Hundreds witness priest ordination

HUNDREDS of people within Guadalcanal and Russell islands turned up to witness the ordination of Nickson Donald Sade in the Russells, Saturday. He becomes the church priest for Louna. Catholic Archbishop Adrian Smith officiated in the ordination. During the ordination mass, Fr Jimmy Nolan of the Catholic Diocese of Central Solomons reminded Fr Sade he’s…

Church plans Xmas activities

WESLEY United Church in Honiara will host a Christmas celebration for city members on Christmas day. Rev Willie Maezama of the church said the event will feature many activities for youths to involve. These include carols, social activities, and gift presentation. Rev Maezama added there’ll be feasting and entertainment after all programmes. He said the…

Niuleni group in Christmas carols

NIULENI Community Music Ministry (NCMM) of the Seventh Day Adventist Church has over the past two weeks been heavily involved in Christmas carols in Honiara. Dubbed one of the biggest organised choirs in Honiara, the group has so far covered various parts of Honiara, providing house to house Christmas carols. Music director James Bouro said…

Church to host Christmas celebration

THE South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) in Honiara will be hosting a Christmas celebration next week. The program will be held at SSEC central church on Wednesday evening. SSEC Central Church senior pastor Clyde Soai said many activities will be feature during the Program. “The following activities are singing, children’s talk on Christmas stories and…

AOG engages in prison ministry

ABOUT 31 pastors and church workers have engaged in a prison ministry training at Assembly of God’s (AOG) Christian Life Centre in Honiara, yesterday. Constatino Lupancu and Reverend Pavel Sav of Blessed Hope International Misison in Chigaco, United States of America have conducted the one-day training. Their visit to Solomon Islands was made possible through…

Youth gathering for United Church ends

A week-long gathering for United Church youths successfully ended at Kokeqolo in Munda, Western Province on Sunday. This annual event was held purposely for youths to get involve in religious activities, aimed at strengthening spiritual life in the society. Rev. Willie Maezama of the United Church Honiara circuit said, the program enabled youths to come…

SSEC regional youth convention opens

East Guadalcanal South Sea Evangelist Church (SSEC) hosted a one week regional youth convention at Numbu village on Thursday in Honiara. More than a hundred youths from various communities around Guadalcanal, including Honiara attended the event. The program opened with a parade before the fellowship kicked off. As part of the opening program, guests were…

AOG youth conference kicks off

THE third Assembly of God (AOG) National Youth Conference commenced yesterday with a parade in Honiara. About 300 youths representing Western region, Eastern Region (Malaita), Central region (Honiara) and newly established Southern region (Guadalcanal) participated in the parade. The theme of the conference is: ‘Equipping God’s Master Peace’ in Ephesian 2:10 in the holy bible.…

Church fellowship ends

The Kingdom International Prayer Center has successfully closed its two days fellowship program over the weekend. This was held at Emanuel Kingdom International Prayer Center in Central Kwara’ae, Malaita Province. Guest speaker at the program was Pastor Ishmael Waga from Kwaina Village in West Kwaio. Ten (10) Kingdom International prayer centers from Central Kwara’ae attended…

Adventist youths in Isabel launches DVD

A NEW gospel DVD featuring Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) youths in Gao/Bugoto, Isable was launched over the wekend.  Called “Isabel Voice of Youth,” the firstever album was officially launched in Honiara on Sunday. The launching took place at Kukum SDA primary school. The DVD featured SDA Youths from Hovi, Isa Rano (Rannogah Community),Takutu, Hukamoto,Tiro, Sir…