Epalle stages thanks-giving mass

 Bishop Epalle Catholic School on Tuesday gathered at Holy Cross Cathedral for their annual thanks giving mass. The mass was conducted by His Grace Arch Bishop Adrian Smith. It was attended by Principal of Epalle Catholic School Ambrose Dolofera, headmistress Anna Tawake (smsm), Australian volunteers, students, friends and relatives.  During the ceremony His Grace Arch…

Local theologian graduates with PhD

Solomon Islands theological student Edward Kolohae graduated with a doctorate in theology at the Pacific Theological College (PTC) in Suva, Fiji, last Thursday. Dr Kolohai graduated with Doctor of Philosophy for his thesis on “The sharing of your Faith” during the college’s 47th graduation. His thesis consisted of many aspects but the two main ones…

Youths learn about mercy of God

Youth who attended the Divine Mercy congress yesterday at Holy Cross Cathedral, were spiritually empowered from the presentation that was given by the main speakers, Mrs Lesina Levi from Samoa and Mr John from Australia. The message given was mainly on the Divine Mercy of God. From the presentation the youth learnt more about the…

All Saints Feast Day celebrated

Hundreds of All Saints parish members gathered yesterday at the All Saints church in Honiara to celebrate the All Saints Feast Day. The day started with Holy Eucharist in the morning followed by feasting before concluding with entertainments. The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) and the Bishop of Central Melanesia Diocese the…

More Novices and Priests admitted

THE Church of Melanesia’s Bishop Patterson Theological College at Tabalia/Kohimarama was packed over the weekend with people from North West Guadalcanal, Savo and Honiara. The three day gathering kicked off on Friday until Sunday to witness the admission of a good number of Novices and Priests. Relatives of those who were admitted joined the congregation…

Media seminar held successfully

A one day media seminar organised by Catholic Communication Solomons for members of Holy cross ministries was completed successfully at the Catholic communication apartment on Saturday. The seminar was attended by more than fifteen members of different ministries of the Holy Cross cathedral and was conducted by the staff of the Catholic Communication Solomons (CCS).…