Mothers Union marks big day

Members of the Mothers Union in west Guadalcanal came together to celebrate and remember the founder of the Anglican Mothers Union around the world. The founder of the Mothers Union was Mary Sumner.  The celebration was held over the weekend at Maravovo village with more than 1000 people attending the event including members of communities.…

Pastor happy to get connected

A pastor of the Revival fellowship Centre of Dala north in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province has acknowledged Our Telekom for the launching of a new mobile tower in the area allowing the villages to get connected to the outside world through their mobiles. During the launching Our Telekom has managed to give out cell phones…

“Accept one another”

The third of the ‘one another’ sayings in the New Testaments is “Accept one another” (Romans 15:7). We all want to be accepted. This is especially evident in the teenage years when we all dress alike because of peer pressure, longing to be one of the groups. People often do crazy things in order to…

Companions reminded of their duties

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) His Grace Archbishop the Right Reverend David Vunagi has reminded the companions’ ministry of their duties. In his sermon to commemorate the St James feat day yesterday at the Barnabas Cathedral, His Grace highlighted two key components of their work. He said spiritual and practical components…

St James feast celebrated

Companions within the Diocese of Central Melanesia have gathered yesterday to commemorate St James feast day St Barnabas Cathedral in Honiara. Hundreds of companion members, members of the Melanesian Brotherhood and other religious societies’ members within the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) got together to mark the St James day with holy Eucharist and feasting.…

New Tegibangara SDA church

Members of the Tegibangara Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church officially opened their dream church building recently. Pastor George Fafale, president of the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM) of the Seventh-day Adventist church, officially opened the Tegibangara Seventh-day Adventist Church, North East Choiseul on 9th July, 2014. opening of this church will mean the Adventist member of…

19th Diocesan Synod progresses

The 19th Diocesan and Synod of Anglican Church of Melanesia in Buma, Malaita Province will end tomorrow. Anglican Church officials and members who have attended the event have so far been enjoying the facilities provided by the Buma parish and communities. Diocese and secretary for central regions Philip Akotee said every programs and activities are…