Big gathering for COM mothers underway

Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Mothers’ Union representatives from the provinces are gathering in Honiara this week to elect new office bearers. The week-long meeting held at St Barnabas Cathedral started on Monday. It is the 13th general meeting whereby a number of issues relating to Mothers Unions will be discussed including the election of a…

What Mothers Union is

MANY may not be familiar with what is Mothers Union (MU) and what this Christian organisation is doing. On a fundraising held a fortnight ago at Iron Bottom Sound hotel, the church of Melanesia Mothers Union president Edith Koete highlighted the history of MU. Some guests at the fundraising have came to know MU is…

Mothers Union marks big day

Members of the Mothers Union in west Guadalcanal came together to celebrate and remember the founder of the Anglican Mothers Union around the world. The founder of the Mothers Union was Mary Sumner.  The celebration was held over the weekend at Maravovo village with more than 1000 people attending the event including members of communities.…

Pastor happy to get connected

A pastor of the Revival fellowship Centre of Dala north in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province has acknowledged Our Telekom for the launching of a new mobile tower in the area allowing the villages to get connected to the outside world through their mobiles. During the launching Our Telekom has managed to give out cell phones…