SDA evangelical program ends Sunday

The two weeks Seven Day Adventist evangelical program will end on Sunday. The public meeting is being conducted by a group of evangelists from United States (US) known as ‘ShareHIM Ministry’. It is a self-supported group. Solomon Islands Mission (SIM) president Pr George Fafale said the night meetings focused on Bible topics aimed at allowing…

Leaders undergo Bible training

South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) youth leaders and pastors around the country are under-going a training on how to teach Bible clearly and faithfully. The training was facilitated by youth coordinator of SSEC association in partnership with pastors from Anglican Church in Sydney, Australia. More than 30 participants are taking part in this training. Speaking…

Dwelling in unity

PNG – SI delegation day The theme for the celebration: ‘How wonderful it is when brothers dwell in Unity’ was neatly displayed in the Refectory, thanks to Fr. Louie Castañeda and his team. The celebration began with a Thanksgiving Eucharist presided over by the new Delegate Superior, Fr Peter Baquero.  It was the conclusion of…

Spiritual retreat: For PNG-SI delegation

About 20 Salesians had the opportunity to spent time in prayer and reflection at the Emmaus Conference Centre, Port Moresby.  The retreat commenced on the 29th June and concluded on the 5th July 2014.  The group spanned 50 years with the youngest being 26, while the wisest was 76 years old.  14 salesians made the…

St Peter Day marked

PEOPLE around Ferasubua have gathered over the weekend to celebrate the patron saint Peter’s day at the All Saint church in Honiara. St Peter church in Ferasubua is one of the local churches within the Ngongorefou parish in Diocese of Malaita. In the Anglican Church of Melanesia’s lectionary, the event fails annually on the 29…

Visale parish receives gift

Visale parish in North West Guadalcanal have received more than 10 church Statues and Rosary from the parliament member Bodo Dettke. The statuses were gifts to mark the 110 anniversary since the Catholic Church arrived in Visale 1889. Visale parish priest Fr Peter Houhou said the Statuses will help Christian communities in and around Visale…

Visale parish celebrates 110 anniversaries

Visale parish in North West Guadalcanal over the weekend celebrated 110 years since the arrival of the Catholic Church in the area. The celebration coincided with Saint day. More than 2000 people attended the program including Member of Parliament for the area Hon Bodo Detke and his family, chiefs of the 13 tribe of Sahalu…

Christianity in Action

In the next couple of weeks we will be exploring the ‘one another’ injunctions in the New Testament under the theme “Christianity in action.” The contrast between the actual and the potential in the church’s life and ministry can be very depressing. If only we Christians were, and were doing, not just what we should…

DPM joins Koa valley in celebration

Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga yesterday joins Koa valley community in Central Honiara to remember those who lost their lives during the April flash flooding. The visit was an invitation from the community leader to DPM to also attend the St Day and commemoration of those who lost their lives. Speaking at the ceremony Deputy…

Koa valley celebrates St John

For the first time after the April flash flooding community of Koa Valley below Koa Hill near Mataniko river has celebrated St John the Baptist day yesterday. The celebration coincided with the blessing of the church building and to remember those who lost their lives during the flash flooding. Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga, community…