Tour guides training held in Tetepare

A FIVE day intensive tour guide training was conducted for locals at Tetepare Island, Western Province recently. The training was led by Bjorn Svensson – a tourism technical advisor. Mr Svensson said the aim of the training is to teach participants how to plan and manage guided tours and activities for tourists. About 13 trainees…

More tourism operators undergo training

THE Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) has extended its COVID-19 Extra Care training to tourism operators in Isabel and Western provinces. Principle tourism training officer of the Tourism Division within the MCT Rachel Sibisopere said the training is to teach tourism operators and staff on the strict COVID-19 safe protocols to enable them to…

What happen to CITREC program?

MALAITA Province youths who were selected for the Canadian International Training and Education Corp (CITREC) program are asking when they will start the program since their selection in 2019. A total of 44 youths from 33 wards in Malaita Province were selected to be part of the program by the former provincial government Malaita Alliance…

Govt ministries prepare for border reopening

THE Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) together with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) are conducting training for some 200 people in hospitality as the country prepares to open its international border. World Health Organisation technical advisor to MHMS Dr Yogesh Choudhri said repeated training has been conducted for some 200 people…

MRD congratulates South Guadalcanal Constituency for successful launch of business arm 

Permanent Secretary (PS) Acting for the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has congratulated the Member of Parliament for South Guadalcanal Constituency Hon. Rolland Seleso and its people for the successful launch of the South Guadalcanal Corporate Services Company Limited (SGCSCL) today (Thursday 5th May, 2022) in Honiara. Speaking at the launching today Acting PS Hugo…


Prime Minister Honorable Manasseh Sogavare acknowledged that the strength of the country lies in the rural areas. PM Sogavare made the acknowledgement when he officially opened a cocoa and copra buying center at Pakera, Central Makira, Makira Ulawa Province. The buying center is the initiative of Commodities Export Marketing Authority (CEMA) under its revitalization and…