Airline introduces second weekly flight

SOLOMON Airlines has now introduced a second weekly service between Brisbane and Honiara. In its International Schedule Update today, the airline said the two weekly services are on Wednesdays and Fridays until 1 July 2022. Wednesday’s service will depart Brisbane at 12.30pm, arriving in Honiara at 4.45pm to allow for same-day connections to Solomon Islands…


Australia and SINPF launches million-dollar joint property investment here AUSTRALIA and the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) have marked the launch of a $120 million joint property investment with a ground-breaking ceremony in Honiara this week. The project is probably Australia’s single largest economic investment in this country. The venture took 22 years to…

Gov’t lauds PRC for continuous support to Rural Development    

The government through the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has recognised the government of Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and its tax payers for their ongoing and unwavering support towards government’s (SIG) rural development programs after both country’s established diplomatic relations in 2019. Permanent Secretary Acting and Deputy Secretary Technical (DST), Hugo Hebala said, following…


THE Government has concluded negotiations on the proposed Integrated Economic Development and Community Resilient (IEDCR) Project with the World Bank Thursday last week. A statement from Government Communications Unit yesterday said negotiations were made through the government’s three key ministries which include the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional…