Strongim Bisnis promotes agriculture and tourism at Business Forum

Strongim Bisnis, the Australian Government initiative, continued its platinum sponsorship of the Australia Solomon Islands Business Forum, held 11 to 12 September 2019, and proudly hosted the Forum’s agriculture and tourism sessions. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare opened the Forum, highlighting this year’s theme: “Partnerships for Shared Prosperity”. The Australia Solomon Islands Business Forum—currently in its…

Commitment to work with private sector

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has reiterated the government’s commitment to work closely with the private sector. Speaking during the launch of the 11th Australia and Solomon Islands Business Forum at the Heritage Park Hotel on Wednesday morning the Prime Minister stated; “DCGA acknowledges and appreciates the critical role that the private sector plays in nation building.…


LOCAL kava farmers in the country are benefiting financially from the lucrative kava industry due to global demand. Last week farmers from from Umulana village at the border of West Kwara’ae and Fataleka in the highlands of Malaita received $46,950 from Varivao Holdings Ltd on Wednesday. During the same week local kava farmers from Santa…

LOs refutes Sasako’s report

Bungusule Customary Landowner Trustees have refuted yesterday’s front-page article of the Island Sun newspaper alleging that Axiom Mining Limited has deserted its camp on San Jorge. The newspaper also published photos of the road leading up to the camp and photos of an old rundown water tap, waste water outlet and crude hot water system…