TOWER presents profit payment to ANZ

TOWER Insurance has paid ANZ bank its profit share of $211,411. In a brief ceremony the TOWER Insurance country manager, Jeremy Masalo, presented the cheque  to ANZ Solomon Islands CEO, Geoffrey Buchanan. TOWER Insurance is the underwriter for ANZ. A statement from the bank said, the payment was the culmination of a profitable partnership within…

Solomon Power boosts power supply

SOLOMON Power, formerly Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA), has commissioned its new Power Station, which includes four new 2.5 megawatt (MW) generators at Lunga, east Honiara, Monday. The event came as SIEA formally switched its name to Solomon Power. Minister of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, David Dei Pacha, Ministry of Finance and Treasury permanent…

Marau Comfort lodge

On the east coast of Guadalcanal lies Marau Sound, a sub-station of the province and an emerging tourism hub. In 2012 the media attention was focused in this area as it hosted the Royal couple, Prince William and Princess Kate at the famous Tavanipupu Resort. With a sprawl of beautiful islands and sandy beaches, Marau…

Spirit of Enderby visits Choiseul

A cruise-ship called the Spirit of Enderby from France visited Choiseul province recently for the third time this year. The Cruise-Ship visit was organised by Destination Solomon Tour in Honiara. This is an annual visit and the third time in a row for the Spirit of Enderby to visit Choiseul Province.  Such visit by Cruise-ship…

Coral Sea opens in stylish event

Coral Sea Resort officially opens with colourful events featuring four international musicians on Saturday night and Sunday. Featuring on the massive grand opening were Craig David, Conkarah, DJ Tuff Tumas and Sammielz. Adding to the show are local musicians and dancing groups, Jahboy, Rebelle Riddim Band, Small Jam, Jeeno, Papa and Avaiki, NYS Dance Group,…

New mining firm lands on Renbel

A NEW mining company known as World Link has landed its equipment in West Rennell, Renbell province. This was confirmed to the Solomon Star by West Rennell landowners at the port of entry in Lughughi. The report stated that about 22 excavators and 15 dump trucks owned by World Link mining company were off-loaded on…

ANZ GoMoney workshop a success

The recently held ANZ GoMoney Mobile Banking program held in Noro, Western Province was a success. This was according to the Team Leader Caleb Pituvaka. The one day workshop comprises of two phases, the Money Minded Training and the Business Basics training. The Money Minded phase comprises of five modules which teaches participants about planning…

Review on financial inclusion underway

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) in partnership with the United Nations Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme (PFIP) will host a one-day  national workshop to review  the country’s’ financial Inclusion strategy and set the next medium term strategy (2016-2020) today. It will be held at the Heritage Park Hotel. The Solomon Islands National Financial Inclusion…

SICCI conducts governance training

SOLOMON Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) is currently conducting a cooperate governance workshop at the Iron Bottom Sound (IBS), in Honiara starting yesterday. The weeklong workshop is targeting the Board of Directors and directors of various businesses in the country that are members of SICCI. It is an SICCI initiative to conduct cooperate…

New iconic new look SB

Last Friday night, Solomon Breweries Ltd relaunched the country’s favourite and beloved SB Beer. The new design was unveiled at a VIP relaunch event, hosted at the brewery, for which the carpark was transformed into a spectacular outdoor SB Beach Bar under the stars. The venue was lined with palms and bamboo, coconuts and sand,…