Isabel to upgrade Kaomasi school

Isabel provincial government (IPG) will this year upgrade the existing roads to Kaomasi provincial secondary school (KPSS) which ran along the coast. James Habu Isabel premier told the Solomon Star last week in Buala in an interview. Mr Habu said his government put much priority in the areas of clinic, jetty, health and education. But…

Lepi told to upheld culture

Lepi villages in Bao/Bugotu constituency, Isabel province have been encouraged by Solomon Island visitors bureau (SIVB) to continue upheld and keep culture and traditional way of lifestyle. SIVB’s chief executive officer (CEO) Josefa Tuamoto highlighted this during a visit to Lepi village on Saturday. More than a hundred people in and around the village were…

ANZ launches ANZ goMoney in Vanuatu

ANZ on Tuesday announced the launch of ANZ goMoney in Vanuatu, providing a new and convenient way for customers to do their everyday banking using their mobile phones. ANZ goMoney allows customers to send money to family and friends, pay their bills, purchase airtime top-up vouchers and view their account balances and history using their…

Airlines’ new corporate travel centre

Solomon Airlines has announced that in line with its corporate strategic plans for 2014, it has now moved its corporate travel center from the former Solomon Islands Government Printers building to the newly renovated and upgraded office on the ground floor of Tongs building in Point Cruz. It has officially been open for business as…

IMF holds high-level conference on Monetary Policy

On Sunday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held a High-Level Conference on “Monetary Policy in the New Normal” with senior central bankers, academics, and private sector representatives. The conference sought to make out the contours of monetary policy once the economy and the financial system have settled into their post-crisis normal. IMF Managing Director Christine…

Manetoali: No mining in Isabel

Member of Parliament (MP) for Gao/Bugotu constituency Samuel Manetoali says Isabel province would not allow mining operation on the island. He highlighted this during a visit by a delegation from the Solomon Islands visitors bureau (SIVB) to parts of the province last week. Mr Manetoali was part of the delegation which conducted their visit from…

IMF launches quarterly bulletin

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has launched the inaugural issue of the Asia & Pacific Small States Monitor, a new quarterly bulletin focusing on recent macroeconomic developments and topical issues covering the small states of the Asia and Pacific region. The publication of the Monitor fits into the IMF’s overall effort to enhance its engagement…

Communiqué of the 29th meeting of the IMFC

Chaired by Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Minister for Finance Global activity continues to strengthen. However, the recovery is still fragile and downside risks remain. Creating a more dynamic, sustainable, balanced, and job-rich global economy remains our paramount collective goal. We will implement ambitious measures to sustain the recovery, proceed with…

Fresh hope for tourism operators in Isabel

Solomon Island visitors bureau (SIVB) chief executive officer (CEO) together with representatives from the ministry of culture and tourism (MCT) brings fresh hopes to Isabel tourism operators with a message ‘Step for Change’. The visit was conducted by Josefa Tuamoto SIVB CEO, his staff, the ministry of culture and tourism minister Samuel Manetoali and an…

New Homestay for Puapuma

Tourists who will visit Puapuma village at Bugotu District in Isabel province will no longer be facing accommodation difficulties. This was made possible through the ministry of culture and tourism (MCT) which funded the project last year. On Saturday the minister for culture and courism Samuel Manetoali together with the Solomon Islands visitors bureau (SIVB)…