WGP urged to monitor illegal loggers

THE newly elected Western Provincial Government (WPG) Executive under the leadership of Billy Veo is being urged to step up their monitoring and surveillance activities of logging companies operating in the province. This came after claims that there are companies currently in operating in the province without following proper process to acquire their operating licenses.…

AUSTRAC partners with Solomon Islands to fight money laundering and boost regional security

AUSTRAC, Australia’s financial intelligence unit (FIU), has provided Solomon Islands FIU with a new data analytics system that will aid in the detection of money laundering and be used to combat criminal and national security threats. The TAIPAN system will enable intelligence analysts in Solomon Islands FIU to identify suspicious financial patterns that can trigger…

West, a top performer in PCDF projects

Western Province is one of the top performing provinces under the Provincial Constituency Development Fund (PCDF) for the past15 years with a record of 381 projects have been undertaken. Western Province Premier Billy Veo in his Sine Die Motion speech on Friday highlighted this. “Records under the Ministry of Provincial Government since the interception of…

Unauthorised contractor will not be granted

THE Honiara City Council (HCC) will only honour contractors authorised by the City Clerk. A noticed issued by the HCC City Clerk stated that Solomon Islands Government Ministries, State-Owned Enterprises, Private Sector Entities and Individuals that no procurement contracts for small works will be recognised and honoured by HCC unless prior approval is obtained from…

Malaita announces revised budget estimates

MALAITA Province’s Minister of Finance, Nelson Lenty, has announced the province’s revised 2022-2023 Budget Estimates in the Malaita Provincial Assembly.  Mr Lenty, on Monday this week, announced that the total Revenue Budget Summary is estimated at SBD 24,819,672, whilst the total Expenditure Budget Summary is estimated at SBD 24,819,672. He added that the total Recurrent…