Court stories

Bangladeshi awaits judgement THE Bangladesh national accused of indecently assaulting a 17-year-old girl in 2020 and trespassing onto a private property in 2021 at Lungga, east of Honiara, will know his fate on December 6. That is when Deputy Chief Magistrate Ricky Iomea will deliver his judgement. The trial conducted on the matter has concluded…


SUNDAY marks the official opening of the historical Sol2023 Pacific Games and it was a remarkable event for the host city and everyone who has witnessed the colourful event. The official opening of the games was staged at the China-funded grand new National Stadium in East Honiara and more than 5000 athletes and officials paraded…

PM Sogavare embraces Pacific Sports Ministers

Sports Ministers from around the Pacific converging in this week’s meeting in Honiara were warmly embraced by Prime Minister and Minister for Pacific Games 2023, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare MP. Prime Minister Sogavare hosted a cocktail reception welcoming the visiting Sports Ministers and officials at the Heritage Poolside, Honiara.       With a smile and embracing spirit,…


Australia announces the deployment of additional AFP and ADF personnel under the SIAF arrangement to assist RSIPF ensure a safe and secure Sol2023 Pacific Games AROUND 100 additional Australian Federal Police (AFP) personnel will be deployed to Solomon Islands as part of Australia’s support to the country to host a safe and successful Sol2023 Pacific…