Call for fair representation

There can be no real democracy if half the population is excluded from participation in power says, the Deputy Resident Representative of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Akiko Suzaki said, fair representation and participation of women in governance is one of the pre-conditions for achieving genuine democracy. Women’s limited participation in decision making signifies the…

Youths to debate on deep sea minerals

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community, the European Union- and the Government of the Solomon Islands, will host a national youth debate on deep sea minerals today at the National Auditorium in Honiara. SPC has initiated this debate in an effort to increase public awareness on issues relating to deep seabed minerals in the Pacific,…

2015 Independence Anniversary LOGO competition

The Ministry of Home Affairs through the National Independence Anniversary committee is inviting submissions for a logo competition that will depict the 37th Independence Anniversary. A media statement from the 37th Independence Anniversary committee said participation is open to the general public, for men, women and children of all ages. It says the logo will…

Power blackout affects shops

A FAULTY cable has resulted in power disruption in parts of Auki, Malaita province last week. The one day blackout has result in many perishable goods stored in freezers in shops being thrown away. Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA) chief engineer Martin Sam confirmed early this week that one of the two feeder cables that…

Foufane targets classroom completion

Foufane Community High School (CHS) in North Malaita is currently working on a plan to complete a two storey classroom. Speaking to the Solomon Star principal Michael Bobo Ma’akalo said, they are working on their plan to complete the classroom, seeing that the school has included form four this year and form five will start…

GP supports rearmament

The Guadalcanal Provincial Executive and members of the provincial assembly are the latest group to express support for the National Government’s decision for the staged limited rearmament of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF). This followed a presentation on the project by representatives of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services; RSIPF,…

HOH to launch in Auki

Hearts of Hope (HOH) will officially launch its organization in a fortnight. Director of the non-government organization Janet Justice Aiharii confirmed the launching event will take place at Auki Primary School playing ground in Auki on Thursday 18th June. The launching is expected to be supported by Our Telekom Company in partnership with the Hearts…

High cost of living irks the nation

The rising costs of living in the country is said to be ravaging the nation, leaving low income earners at debt every day. Speaking to the paper, a concerned mother expressed her everyday frustrations to earn bread and butter on the table. The mother stated that living in Honiara is too expensive to cope with,…

ACOM officially opens Noro Seafarers centre

The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM) run mission to seafarers’Centre at Noro Port, Western Province was successfully dedicated and officially opened on Sunday. The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia who is also the President of the Mission to Seafarers’ within ACoM officially dedicated and opened the Centre in the presence of the Noro…