Tuwo primary ceases classes

TUWO village on Reef Islands has decided to close the door of its only primary school this week due to shortage of food hitting the island following last month’s cyclone Pam. The school was closed yesterday morning. “Tuwo is the most affected village on the island destroyed by cyclone Pam. They decided to close the…

Islanders unhappy with relief distribution

REEF islanders in Temotu Province are complaining over what they claimed as unfair distribution of relief supplies to their communities. Reports reaching the paper said, three villages in Reef have been affected by the unfair distribution. These communities included Tuwo, Malubu and Vaikau villages which were said to be the most affected. They were badly…

Sentence next for Taiwanese

THE court will hand down its sentence of a Taiwanese convicted after trial for trying to export million dollars’ worth of Tubi logs, on 14 April. Prosecution and the defence were supposed to make submissions for sentencing and mitigation yesterday but the prosecutor was not available. Private Lawyer Ronald Dive yesterday asked for an adjournment…

Zika fight underway

The Honiara City Council (HCC) vector borne disease division kicked off its Zika outbreak response action as of last week. The response team carried out spraying exercise on targeted localities within the Honiara city, using backpackers bottle spraying and the ultra violet (ULV) spraying machine mounted on a truck, spraying the road sides.  HCC vector…

Importance of weather forecasting highlighted

A three days workshop highlighting the importance of meteorological services in weather forecasting and climate issues in Solomon Islands got underway on Tuesday. The three day workshop is being organized by the Solomon Islands Meteorological Services and pulled together participants from a range of government and semi-government organizations who are mostly users of climate services…

Allowance delay hits hard on students

CLOSE to a hundred government funded students studying at the University of the South Pacific (USP), Solomon Islands campus in Honiara are yet to receive their allowances. They are already three months into their semester one studies. Reports reaching the paper said, the delay in releasing their allowances had put them in an awkward situation…

Teachers undergo training

AN induction training for block 4 course materials of the certificate in teaching programme for the Teachers in Training (TITs) of Northern and Eastern Regions of Malaita Province is currently underway in Auki, Malaita Province. This training is a continuation after the two regions have completed the other 3 blocks of the Certificate in Teaching…

Gwounaru’u airport clean up ends

THE project to clean up Gwounaru’u airport in Auki, Malaita Province has been completed this week. Gwounaru’u and Kwabala community in West Kwara’ae have been contracted to do the cleaning up of the airport over the past weeks. Provincial Minister for Land Administration, Reform and Survey Martin Fini said, the two communities have completed brushing…

Alcohol & domestic violence

Dear Editor – Many readers of your newspaper this morning at home and abroad would have been utterly appalled to have read the article alleging that a mother on Ulawa Island in the Makira Province was left paralyzed last Saturday following an argument with her partner who, allegedly, was intoxicated at the time. This latest…