HCC-MFMR’s Kukum warehouse raid nabs undersized trochus shells A JOINT operation by the Honiara City Council (HCC) law enforcement officers and officers from the Fisheries Department in the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) has reportedly nabbed a large quantity of undersized trochus shells from a warehouse at Kukum. The alleged raid which began…


MNGFR refutes reports of being responsible for the issuance of a prospecting licence to a Chinese company to carry out mineral prospecting in East Malaita THE Malaita New Government for Fundamental Redirection (MNGFR) has angrily refuted claims it was responsible for initiating the grant of prospecting licence to a Chinese company in East Malaita. “This…

Australia to support Solomon Islands elections

AUSTRALIA has committed approximately SBD$137million to assist the Solomon Islands Electoral Office ahead of the 2024 National General Election. This was announced by Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles. Australia is committing up to AUD25million ($137million) to assist the Solomon Islands Electoral Office undertake a range of preparations such as biometric voter registration, preparation and…