SIEITI commits to do its role

The Solomon Islands Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (SIEITI) is dedicating itself to ensure the government, companies, landowners and other relevant stakeholders are well informed about resource benefits from the mining industry. This was revealed by SIEITI director and Under Secretary – Economics for the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Mckinnie Dentana and their communications officer…

Why is Whiteside still here?

A police officer has questioned why Russell Islands Plantation Estates Limited (RIPEL) general manager John Whiteside is still here despite not having a work or residential permit. The officer, who asked not to be named, said this is quite surprising because no foreigner who has no work or residential permit should be allowed to live…

Dettke meets SFA members

The Minister of Forestry and Research Bodo Dettke and top officials from the ministry held a successful meeting with members of the Solomon Forest Association (SFA) on Wednesday 28 January. The meeting was held after SFA earlier met with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Dettke was encouraged by the prompt response by SFA to meet with…

CBR clarifies its roles

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) in the Ministry of Health says it acknowledged complaints a person with disability raised against the organisation recently. Guadalcanal man Edwin Kuba has claimed CBR failed to respond positively to his request for assistance. He said he registered with CBR in 2014 but since then they’ve provided him with no help…

Peace vital for human security

Existence of peace in society is an important thing to human security. This was highlighted at the launching of the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace website last week. UN Agencies under the UN Trust Fund for Human Security through the Ministry undertook this initiative as a post conflict resolution project in Solomon Islands.…

Ministry launches new website

A new website for the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace has been launched with support from UNDP under UN Trust Fund for Human Security. The website’s launch marked another step forward for the ministry and its partners in disseminating information to locals and those abroad, including interested organisations and individuals. Permanent Secretary Lennis…

Agriculture minister visits Honiara farmers

A team from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock paid a field visit to Honiara communities engaged in backyard farming, Friday. Led by the Minister of Agriculture, Augustine Auga and his Permanent Secretary Jimi Saelea, the team visited nursery greenhouse sites around Honiara. Sites visited were the backyard gardens component of the 2010 Agriculture and…