Seized tobacco still held by Customs

NO decision has yet been made on how 1,145 boxes of illegally imported tobacco products seized in September 2012 are to be disposed. The products are being kept at the Customs Queen warehouse at Point Cruz. Earlier this year, top government officials reportedly attempted to remove the products out from the warehouse but Customs prevented…

Residents complain about noise

RESIDENTS of Rove police quarters say life has not been the same again after a nearby sea front facility was turned into an entertainment area. “Noise coming from the sea front area has been a major source of disturbance to those of us living here,” one resident told the Solomon Star. “Sometimes when they have…

Rise in mentally ill patients causes fear

THE increasing numbers of suspected mentally ill patients roaming around and causing trouble in villages and communities in East Kwara’ae has caused fear and raises a deep concern. This came about following a series of incidents claimed to have been caused by those believed to be mentally or psychiatrically ill. There have been associated incidents…

Tools to boost agriculture studies

GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development is currently distributing agriculture equipment and tools to schools nationwide. A statement from the government communication unit said this project worth around SB$12.2 million is being funded by the Australian and New Zealand governments under their budget support. It involves distributing pre-packed agriculture equipment and…

EOD team commences underwater training

THE 20 Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) members of the Explosive Ordnance Team (EOD) commenced their underwater capability diving at Tulagi, Monday. The diving exercise followed after the officers completed five days of in-class training at the Hell’s Point Camp, East of Honiara. Speaking to Solomon Star over the weekend Sergeant Rex Waiwori staff…

Clean water improves life on Guale Plains

LIFE has been a challenge for young mother of four, Helena Tanona, since flash flooding swept through her community in Guadalcanal Plains on 3 April 2014.  Following days of heavy rain, river banks were strained and eventually broke, inundating Dadave community. The rushing water took almost all of her family’s possessions away, destroyed their food…

Police unaware of road blocks

MALAITA provincial police commander (PPC), Alfred Uiga has denied any knowledge of an alleged road block at Kwaibala Bridge by self-claimed provincial road contractors who demanded vehicles to pay-up their fees for mending the roads before being allowed to pass through. Speaking to this paper yesterday, PPC Uiga said that the police was not aware…

Political instability regulated?

THE controversial Political Parties Integrity Bill 2014 is not the Bill many perceived. The Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo have been preaching that the Bill will address political instability but during the second reading debate was cornered to a point he changed tone and admitted that it was not an anti-defection Bill. That then allows…

Chamber welcomes Lord of the Rings conductor

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) recently welcomed acclaimed musical composer Igelese Ete to the country. Mr Ete, who directed an inspirational choral performance for the Chamber’s Inaugural Business Excellence Awards in March last year (2013), is most famous for being the choirmaster for the music for the Lord of the Rings…