Why I slapped students

King George VI School principal clarifies action PRINCIPAL of state-owned King George Sixth School Samuel Fangata has admitted he slapped students who were disrespectful and deliberately broke school rules. But he denied swearing at them. Mr Fangata was at the centre of social media discussions in the past days after it was revealed he slapped…

Police crime update

Police arrest rape suspect at Sun Valley GUADALCANAL police arrested a 19-year old man from Malaita in relation to an alleged rape of a 3-year old girl, at the Sun Valley area, over the weekend. Following police investigation, police raided the male suspect’s home at Sun Valley on early Saturday and apprehended him. Police alleged…

Road contracts awarded

THE Government, through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID), this week announced three contract packages for repair works in west Guadalcanal on important infrastructure that was damaged during last month’s floods. The infrastructure damages have been classified into three categories which include the Tanavasa Bridge to the Mbonege culvert, the second sector is the CBSI…

Market vendors graduate with certificates

MORE than 60 vendors have been issued with certificates after taking part in the ‘Getting Started’ workshop, on Friday. The ceremony was witnessed by special guests including Australia High Commissioner Andrew Byrne, Regional Director for Asia Pacific Regional office, UN Women Roberta Clarke, and other invited guests. Most of the participants that received their certificates…

Tasimboko: Where’s our share?

PEOPLE of Tasimboko in northeast Guadalcanal claimed they were left out from the National Disaster Management Office’s (NDMO) relief supplies distribution. Village spokesman Jimmy Saea said they were also affected by the April 3 floods that hit Honiara and Guadalcanal. Mr Saea claimed while representatives from NDMO visited their community, they bring with them nothing.…

Fr. Beu to lead delegation to town

A DELEGATION from Temotu Provincial Government executive will tour Honiara next week, during which they’ll call on line ministries. Premier Fr. Brown Beu revealed this.  “I will lead a delegation from my executive to Honiara next Tuesday,” he told the Solomon Star from provincial capital Lata. He said the team will comprised of ministers of…

China Red Cross steps in with USD$50,000

The Red Cross Society of China has donated USD$50,000 (more than $300,000) towards the flood relief efforts. The donation was channeled through the Solomon Islands Chinese Association (SICA), which handed the funds over to the Solomon Islands Red Cross Society, last week. Along with the funds, SICA also donated mats, which will be distributed to…

Western Province victims to be assisted

THE Western Provincial Agriculture extension office says it is prepared to provide technical assistance to disaster stricken areas in the province. Western was one of the provinces affected by last month’s bad weather, which caused flash floods in Honiara and Guadalcanal. Western Provincial chief field officer Samson Timi said communities from Vela la Vela, Kolombangara,…

Metapona residents living in fear

People living downstream at Metapona river in North Guadalcanal are fearing for their lives and are calling on the government to allow St Barbara back to resume its operations to deal with the tailings dam. The plea was made following reports the dams are overflowing after last month’s cyclone and mass flooding. An assessment done…