Training for West Kwara’ae by-election polling officials ends today

Final preparation for the West Kwara’ae by-election which started on Sunday night at Buma community in West Kwara’ae electorate is expected to end today.  According to Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC), 150 polling officials, 30 presiding officers, 30 polling assistants and ballot paper issuers, 30 polling assistants and ballot guards, and 30 queue controllers will…


First female premier maintains her leadership Santa Isabel Provincial Premier Hon. Rhoda Sikilabu survived the motion of no confidence against her leadership on Monday. The motion moved by MPA for Ward 2, Havulei, Hon. Ian Mason was defeated with 7 MPAs voted for and 9 MPAs voted against. Following her victory, Premier Sikilabu called on…

SI- PNG reaffirm Bilateral Cooperation

Prime Minister, Honourable Manasseh Sogavare MP, has squeezed in a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, the Honourable James Marape in the margins of the One day Summit of the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) and the US-Secretary of State meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Bilateral discussions covered…

Brother fatally stabbed sibling

A YOUNG man in his twenties has allegedly stabbed his older brother to death in Rannoggah, Western Province. The shocking incident happened on Saturday morning at Koe, the family’s settlement. Koe is in Onivemola near Lale Village in Rannoggah. According to villagers, the incident happened when everyone was away in their gardens. They said prior…