Japan steps in with $1m worth of relief

THE Japanese government is providing relief assistance worth a million dollar to flood stricken areas of Honiara and parts of Guadalcanal. Satoshi Nakajima, Ambassador and Chargés d’affaires at the Embassy of Japan on Wednesday announced that the Japanese Government will assist in providing emergency relief supplies. This was in response to the request made by…

Rice donation to flood victims

THREE containers of rice have been prepared and sent to flash flood victims of North East Guadalcanal on Wednesday. Member of Parliament for North East Guadalcanal, Dr Derek Sikua helped pay for the rice which were loaded and delivered to polling stations in the constituency. Guadalcanal plain was one of the worst hit areas in…

Bills not implemented, says Sikua

MANY approved bills were never implemented, the leader of opposition said in Parliament on Wednesday. Speaking during the second reading of the ‘Magistrates’ Courts (Amendment) Bill 2014’, Dr Derek Sikua urged the Ministry of Justice to ensure funds are ready to implement the Bill. “I think that would be one of the things that I…

No plans to replace destroyed arms

LICENCE holders of firearms are supposedly not to have their arms replaced or be given back as there are no plans to do so. Minister for Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Chris Laore told parliament during question and answer session. The question was asked by the Member of Parliament for Ngella, Johnley Hatimoana Minister…

Minister explains Magistrates Amendment Bill

THE ‘Magistrates’ Courts (Amendment) Bill 2014’ is timely as technology is embraced for efficiency, Justice Minister Commins Mewa said. When introducing the Amendment Bill during its second reading in Parliament on Tuesday, Mr Mewa said the amendments are incremental steps that can provide a large improvement in the speed and accuracy of the recording of…

Reporter glad Patrick, 10, survived

SOLOMON Star reporter Jeremy Inifiri says he was amazed to see a 10-year-old boy he photographed while being taken away by the Mataniko river in last Thursday’s flooding survived the flooding. “We’ll I’m glad Patrick Beni survived because I thought he won’t as the flood waters took him away,” Mr Inifiri said. Patrick’s incredible story…

NZ increases relief assistance

NEW Zealand has increased its relief assistance with a further $7.6 million. Its foreign affairs minister Murray McCully announced this, Tuesday. The assistance will go towards relief supplies, support response efforts by the Honiara City Council and to help respond to other needs in areas such as water, health or roading as assessments come in.…

No major damages for 3 provinces

THREE provinces reported minimal damages caused by last week’s bad weather. Makira, Temotu and Western said they only experience heavy rain, strong and earthquake throughout the period. Kirakira provincial police commander Peter Sitai told the paper on Wednesday, heavy rain and an earthquake was experienced. “But its not like in Honiara which was flooded where…

Chamber supports relief efforts

THE Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) has thanked members of the business community for jumping in to assist with disaster relief since last week, following the flooding that devastated many parts of Honiara. Despite being badly affected by the disaster, business houses are pouring in help towards the relief efforts. “As the…