Newly elected West Kwara’ae Constituency MP faces five counts of bribery allegations in an election petition filed by three persons, including two unsuccessful candidates THE newly elected Member of Parliament for Malaita Province’s West Kwara’ae Constituency, Alfred JM Tuasulia, is facing an election petition with five counts of bribery allegations levelled against him. According to…


Pacific countries opposed released of Radioactive wastewater OPPOSITION is growing across the Pacific against Japan’s plan to release nearly 1.3 million tons of radioactive wastewater from its defunct Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean over the next 30 years. While there are support by some governments, Tokyo’s plan is stirring broad opposition…

In court with Assumpta

Second accused in nightclub robbery to face court A SECOND man charged for robbing a substantial amount of money from a man at Silver Lake nightclub at Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal in 2021 will appear in court today. Primo Esibaea had already pleaded not guilty to one count of robbery and his matter is awaiting trial…


Former MARA Political Advisor denies granting licence to Asian Mining Company The former MARA Political Advisor, Celsus Talifilu, had denied former Malaita Premier Daniel Suidani and his MARA government was responsible for granting a prospecting Mining Licence to the New Asian Mining Company. The New Asian Mining Company is currently in East Malaita doing mineral…