The battle for a new Premier for Malaita Province with the confirmation of two candidates for post, Glen Waneta for MARA and Martin Fini for the Non-Executive THE Office of the Speaker confirmed it had received nominations from the opposing groups – the MARA government side and the Non-Executive – before nominations closed at 4:30…

Malaita Province tops Chinese-funded scholarships

MALAITA Province whose provincial leaderships is resisting China’s investments in the province tops Chinese Government fully-funded scholarships in universities right across China, official figures show. Overall, there are 103 Solomon Islands students studying in various universities across China, fully paid for by the Government of China. Of this number, some 93 students are doing their…

Rotavirus cases in Gizo rise

WITH the ongoing water shortage in Gizo in the aftermath of the dry season, Waterborne diseases (WBDs), especially diarrhea, have struck Gizo communities recently. Since the past few weeks ago, Gizo Hospital Outpatient Department continued to receive an increasing number of diarrhea cases from Gizo communities.  Those affected are from all age groups, including children.…

MARA pursues High Court case

NEW information has surfaced regarding the case filed in the High Court by former Malaita Premier, Daniel Suidani, against the decision of the Malaita Provincial Speaker. Mr Suidani has sought a high court review of the action of the Speaker in allowing the assembly to vote on the revised 2022-2023 Budget without being tabled as…


Auki camps tighten lid on Premier candidate as political wrangling continues head of Friday’s election MALAITA Province is in search of a new Premier. It follows the ousting of Daniel Suidani who was thrown out as Premier in a no confidence motion in Auki on Tuesday. Despite the on-going political wrangling, Auki township remains calm…

RSIPF acknowledges people in Auki for support during motion of no confidence in Malaita Province

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) commends the people of Malaita for Supporting the police maintain the peace, law and order within Auki town during the Motion of No Confidence (MONC) against the HonorablePremier of Malaita Provincial Government, yesterday (7 February 2023). Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province Superintendent Leslie Kili says,” I would like…