Landlords frustrated

Government delay in paying landlords their rental payments for housing Public Servants causes frustration INDIGENOUS landlords in Honiara are frustrated over rental payments of public servants officers now overdue for six months. They expressed their frustration during a meeting held at the Children Park on Tuesday. Spokesperson of Indigenous Honiara Landlord Association Eric Arifanata said…

Australia focuses on SI education

AUSTRALIA support to Solomon Islands has a strong focus on ensuring educational and employment opportunities are equally available for women in the country. Speaking during the APTC graduation, Deputy High Commissioner of the Australian High Commission, Sallyanne Vincent said Australia has been supporting the Solomon Islands to recover and emerge stronger post-pandemic. A key part…


Court tells Solicitor General Banuve that he was brave for going to court without evidence in the beche-de-mer case of Dr Aipia A COURT of Appeal hearing into a $50-Million compensation awarded by the High Court to local medical doctor, Reginald Aipia, has wound up in Honiara, with the Court President saying the government lawyer…


Vella Development Company plan for peaceful protest VELLA Development Company [VDC] – a people’s business entity on Vella Lavella – is calling on the Board of the Copra Export Marketing Authority (CEMA) to stop opening a buying centre on the island until the ownership issues of plantations on the island are sorted. A VDC spokesperson…


Young boy in stable condition A 10-year-old from Jejevo Katova district, in Isabel province is lucky to be alive after he was attacked multiple times by a crocodile while floating on a tire tube on Friday. Kingstone Siofi was swimming with his friends on a floating tube when the deadly beast emerged from nowhere and…


Canberra announces new aid funding to Solomon Islands as it moves to build a stronger Pacific family AUSTRALIA will provide an estimated AUD$169-Million in Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to Solomon Islands in 2022-23, including AUD$103-Million bilaterally, the Australian High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, Dr Lachlan Strahan announced, Thursday. This announcement comes as Canberra pledges to…