Mostyn Mangau acknowledges RAPPP for donating new vehicle to RSIPF-TCU

The Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) Mr. Mostyn Mangau has acknowledged the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) and Australia Federal Police (AFP) Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) for donating a new vehicle to RSIPF. RSIPF Commissioner Mr. Mangau received the vehicle during a brief handing over ceremony at the Rove Police Headquarters, which…

New Isabel Provincial executive graces PM

THE newly elected Premier of Santa Isabel Province and the country’s first female Premier, honorable Rhoda Sikilabu, and her executive have visited Prime Minister Honorable Manasseh Sogavare in office, Wednesday. During the brief courtesy call, honorable Sikilabu reaffirmed her executive government’s support to the national government. She pledged to implement government’s policies relating to the…

Malaita passes $28m Budget

THE Malaita Provincial Government has recently passed a budget of $28,820,122 during the Full Assembly Budget meeting which ended successfully, last Friday. Speaking to Solomon Star Auki in an interview yesterday, Premier Daniel Suidani confirmed the successful passing of the 2022 budget. Premier Suidani said the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) has…

COVID-19 cases nears 12,000

SOLOMON Islands has now recorded a total of 11,856 cases of COVID-19. Minister of Health and Medical Services Dr Culwick Togamana confirmed this in his national address on the COVID-19 situation in the country yesterday (5th April 2022). Dr Togamana said this was the country’s total after recording 236 new COVID-19 cases in the 72…

Swabbers claim no allowance for months

Front liners who deal with Covid-19 swab tests for incoming passengers and outgoing passengers both in the international and domestic levels are working without any Covid-19 allowances since September of 2021, it was claimed. Speaking to Solomon Star Auki in an exclusive interview on Tuesday front liners who requested their identity to remain anonymous said…


Solomon Islands to likely to go for early polls THE DCGA government is believed to have abandoned its plan to extend Parliament by another year, sources have revealed. Instead, it has backed the idea of an early dissolution of Parliament – an option proposed by the Opposition, the sources said. It is understood that public…