Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare today has announced that the National Government will assist business houses that were destroyed during last week’s unrest in Honiara. Many business houses in the China Town, Kukum and Ranadi commercial districts have suffered from looting and burning during the unrest. Speaking in Parliament today, Sogavare said the Government is already…


SOLOMON Island is counting the cost of three days of rioting, looting, burning and destruction of properties as Honiara residents face a devastating food shortage and medicines over the festive season. A total of 56 buildings – all housing business premises – were destroyed in the uprising – the worst in a decade. Some buildings…

Fiulaua resigns

Member of Parliament (MP) for Central Kwara’ae Constituency Jackson Fiulaua has formally resigned from the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) and Our Party over the weekend. His resignation effectively revoked his Chairmanship of the DBSI Sub-Committee and Deputy Chairman of Caucus, a statement issued by Government Communication Unit said. “This decision is made with…

PM says thank you

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare thanked people who cleaned Honiara City since Saturday and those who stood with police to protect the city. Mr Sogavare said such demonstration of civic duty and patriotism gave him comfort, hope and courage to continue the fight for democracy and the rule of law. On Saturday local contractors volunteer and…

PM: Government intact

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare says the government is fully intact. In his third national address this evening (28th November 2021) since the riots, Mr Sogavare said he is sincerely grateful to his colleague MPs for their ongoing support and solidarity to stand for the principles of democracy despite the threats and intimidations. “The intention is…