Solomon Islands has lost a great leader, says Sogavare  MEMBER of Parliament (MP) for West Kwaio Constituency, Titus Mokofi Fika has passed on in the early hours of Friday morning, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has confirmed. He was the Minister for Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology under the Sogavare-led Democratic Coalition Government for…

Govt: Wale’s outburst baseless

Accusations by Opposition Leader Mathew Wale claiming the Prime Minister (PM) intends to extend the life of Parliament for five years were baseless and grossly misleading. First, it is Parliament that has the legal mandate to amend the Constitution to extend the life of Parliament, NOT the Prime Minister, a statement issued by Government Communication…


Suidani thanks Malaita MPs for attending event The Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani has thanked Malaitan leaders at the national level for their show of support towards the Malaita Sons and Daughter reconciliation ceremony. Speaking to local media yesterday in Auki, Premier Suidani said the presence of some Malaitan Members of Parliament (MP) shows that…

Dean slams DCGA

On the basis for extending life of Parliament THE Leader of the Independent Group in Parliament has called on the Prime Minister to take his government’s proposal to extend the life of parliament to the people in the 2023 General Elections. John Dean Kuku made the comment following revelations that Cabinet has agreed to extend…

Report: SIG not combating corruption

ABOUT 52% of respondents that took part in a survey Global Corruption Barometer believe Solomon Islands Government (SIG) is not doing a good job combating corruption. TSI Vice Chairman Rodney Kingmele highlighted this in his keynote address at the launch of the Global Corruption Barometer – Pacific 2021 report on Tuesday. “52% of respondents believe…

Australia’s Direct Aid Program supports 12 more communities

 The Australian Government, through the Direct Aid Program (DAP), is pleased to fund 12 additional community-led projects, taking the total number of DAP-funded projects to 19 for the 2021 calendar year. On 12 November, Counsellor (Political) Kevin Playford and DAP Manager Laura Wilson congratulated the successful project applicants during a handover ceremony at the Australian High Commission. The 12 projects in this round will support communities across Solomon Islands, including in Isabel, Western, Choiseul,…


AN argument between a father and his son over the lucrative beche-de-mer product has led to the burning of a home in small Ngella, Central Province. Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Central Province, Superintendent David Soakai in a statement issued by Police Media Unit said the incident happened after an argument between the suspect (father) and…