Ete: NRH needs and independent board 

CHAIRMAN of the Public Accounts Committee and Member of Parliament for East Honiara, Douglas Ete re-echoed the argument to have an independent board to oversee clinical and corporate governance of the National Referral Hospital. Ete who is also a former Chief Executive Officer of NRH said this argument has been on the radar for more…

MHMS: CT scan project ongoing

THE Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical, Mrs. Pauline McNeil informed the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) that works on the CT Scan project is ongoing and the ministry aims to complete the project this year. She told the PAC when the Committee enquired into the status of the project and its completion date. The Permanent…

18 yrs over to be jabbed by end year

The Secretary to Prime Minister (SPM) says Government is hoping to vaccinate the country’s entire population above 18 years by the end of 2021.  Secretary to Prime Minister (SPM), Dr. Jimmie Rodgers made the statement during the National Oversight Committee public forum held at the National Auditorium last week.  He said the whole population needs…


THE Government has allocated a total of SB$209.8 million in the 2021 budget to boost the productive sector ministries. This allocation, according to the Minister of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma is necessary to support the government’s economic recovery initiatives, stimulate growth and create investment opportunities.  Of the total budgetary allocation, the Ministry of Agriculture…

18yrs over to be jabbed by end year

The Secretary to Prime Minister (SPM) says Government is hoping to vaccinate the country’s entire population above 18 years by the end of 2021.  Secretary to Prime Minister (SPM), Dr. Jimmie Rodgers made the statement during the National Oversight Committee public forum held at the National Auditorium last week.  He said the whole population needs…


A PERSON who sustained injuries to his arms over a land dispute related to a logging operation in Small Malaita has called on the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) to address logging issues in the province.  Trevor Kausimae in his appeal to the Malaita Provincial Government claimed logging activities in Small Malaita are not following proper…


Six candidates to contest South Choiseul by-election SIX Candidates have been nominated to contest in the upcoming poll for South Choiseul National By-Election on the 19th May 2021, the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) office has reported yesterday. Chief Electoral Officer and Commissioner, Mrs. Jane Waetara confirmed this after receiving a report from the Election…

Debate on budget commences Friday

THE much-awaited debate on the 2021 Government Budget was suspended after Opposition Leader and Member for Aoke/Langalanga Mathew Wale asked the concurrence of the Prime Minister to have the debate adjourned to tomorrow (Friday). Wale told the Parliament this is to allow a bit of time for Members of Parliament to read and formulate their…