CleanOp Set for Saturday

Chengs company Ltd in Honiara is organising a ‘CleanOp’ initiative this Saturday. It’s the first of its kind to be staged by the company. The cleanup effort will take place in the Kukum area. It will kick off from the Chengs building at Kukum, starting at 2.30 pm. Youth groups within the Kukum area, church youths,…


• Vaccine will be launched on Wednesday• PM first to be vaccinated   The first batch of the 20,000 doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine will touch down at the Honiara International Airport at 2 pm today. According to an informant within the government, the vaccine will arrive at 2 pm at the Honiara International Airport…


Will other constituencies follow West New Georgia’s ‘Experiment’?   THE nation’s 172 wards could expect to get direct budgetary funding from the national government if an ‘experiment’ being trialed by the West New Georgia Constituency in Western Province proved successful, it was disclosed yesterday. West New Georgia MP, Silas Tausinga, yesterday formally signed a Memorandum…


Commissioner of Lands (CoL) Alan Mcneil has issued one notice to retrieve (resume) the land at Ranadi sold by Honiara City Council (HCC) to Excellent Resources Management Limited and Asian Company. The land is for Biosecurity work, a statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) Media Unit said. The move to reclaim…

Charges on fake scholarship case withdrawn 

THE charges against the man accused of selling fake scholarships to three people and obtained $10,000 were withdrawn on Monday due to insufficient evidence. The trial on those three counts of false pretence against John Folia was scheduled to start on Monday before Principal Magistrate Fatima Taeburi. However, appearing in court on Monday, Public Prosecutor…

PM visits sports facility

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare has visited the Solomon Islands Institute of Sports (SIIS) to witness first-hand, the progress on the work of the first-ever dedicated investment to Sports Development in Solomon Islands.  The Prime Minister was also accompanied by his Cabinet Ministers and other Government MPs, a statement from Prime Ministers Press Secretariat said. Speaking…


‘To lead is to serve’   THE Solomon Islands Governor-General Sir David Vunagi reminds all National Leader (Members of Parliament) to lead the nation as stated in our national motto. He made the statement on the floor of the Parliament when he delivered the traditional ‘Speech from the Throne to open the 4th meeting of…