Forestry clarifies its stand

The Ministry of Forestry and Research clarifies claims made by Guadalcanal Provincial Government that Sino Capital (SI) Limited has no timber rights over various customary lands in the East Central Guadalcanal. In an issued statement, it says there are records of timber rights conducted by the Guadalcanal Provincial Executive in 2007 which led to the issuance of a…

Gizo packed as festive fever hits

WITH the festive season now here and Christmas is going to be celebrated this weekend, more and more people are now traveling back to their provinces to spend the last two weeks of this month to celebrate Christmas and New Year in their villages. Western Province is no exception. Since last week the Western Provincial…

Gov’t pleased with public servants

Recuperation leave granted   THE National Government under the leadership of Manasseh Sogavare is aware of the challenges faced by all public servants, therefore, granted an additional 3.5 days recuperation leave to all government workers. He made the announcement in his COVID-19 weekly nationwide address yesterday. “2020 had been a challenging year. “The National Cabinet…

Call to explain Mewa’s removal

The Opposition Leader, Hon. Mathew Wale calls on the prime minister to tell the truth and explain the reasons for the sacking of Hon. Commins Mewa from the forestry portfolio.  “There have been conflicting statements by the media about this saga and the public has the right to the truth.  “It would be a real…

SBD $114.5m ESP yet to be used: Kuma 

  MINISTER of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma says around $114.5m from the $309m estimate budget for the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) announced by the Prime Minister in March, is still to be injected into the economy. Mr. Kuma announced this on the floor of Parliament during the recent Sine-die motion after declaring that $184.5million…


Malaita benefits more from rural development projects   MALAITA Province is the highest to receive rural development projects from the national government including other development programs. Minister for Rural Development (MRD) and Member of Parliament (MP) for Fataleka Constituency in Malaita Province Rexon Annex Ramofafia uttered this during the recent sine-die motion in Parliament. This…

Where is the Transport Fund? Laura

  A CONCERN man from Temotu province has questioned the National Government and their two Member of Parliament for Nende and Pele as to where are the Transport Fund initiated by the government to support and address their transport difficulties. John Laura made the call following a good number of passengers who were denied to…