THE secret land deal, hatched by top advisors to the former Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) carried an element of surprise in the planned execution of the land-grab deal. It was intended to keep businessman Patrick Wong and the Levers Solomon Ltd (LSL) and Russell Islands Plantation Estates Ltd (RIPEL) in the dark until…

SIG’s $90m alternative transaction 

Two companies holding a combined 75.1% share in Levers Solomons Limited (LSL) have voiced concerns about the proposed $90 million Alternative Transaction.  Orbis Commodities Pty Ltd (Orbis) indirectly owns 37.55% of LSL, while its joint venture partner, Overseas Shipping Trading and Investment Pty Ltd (OSTI), holds an additional 37.55%.  The remaining 24.9% of LSL is…

Govt launches climate change project

The Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) Solomon Islands was officially launched on Friday at the Heritage Park Hotel.  The European Union, the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the United Nations Capital Development Funds (UNCDF), under the leadership of the Solomon Islands Government mobilized over USD$18 million in 2008 to launch the…

‘We need technical experts’ 

MEMBER of the Provincial Assembly (MPA) for South Kolombangara has recommended the need to get technical experts from China to provide support on agriculture and forestry. Jenty Isaac the Western Provincial Minister for Agriculture and Forestry highlighted this on Thursday in his contribution to the Sine Die Motion. He said, with the province finalising its sister…