No arrest yet

NO arrest has been made yet since the body of a 68-year-old Temotu man was found beside the road at Guadalcanal Plains on February 29. Acting Police Chief Mostyn Mangau said investigations are continuing and police are still calling on the public and community at Guadalcanal Plains for information. “I call upon the public and…

Sea Level Rise & the Man-made Islands of Lau

Whilst the industrial world is engrossed in economic growth and prosperity, the negative impacts of their obsessions are inevitably felt the world over.   The industrial world has contributed markedly to greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for global warming.  Sadly enough, whether a country is a party to such emission or not, the effects are…

ISIA slams One Link 

THE Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA) has issued a warning to the country about the mischievousness of the current pyramid scheme called One Link Pacifica. “Pyramid schemes such as One Link Pacifica work on the basis that the people who start it off collect all of the money paid into the scheme by the…

Officers to face disciplinary action

ACTING Police Chief Mostyn Mangau will be dealing with the three officers who allegedly hit two students with a police vehicle in Malaita last month in terms of disciplinary actions. He told reporters on Thursday that once he received a report from the police’s Professional Standard and Investigation (PSII) he will deal with the discipline…


‘Don’t panic, be careful’ By ANDREW FANASIA THE National Referral Hospital is on high alert and emergency mode as they prepare to handle any positive coronavirus (Covid-19) case that might be confirmed in the country. Speaking to Solomon Star in anonymity for the purpose of public interest, a local senior doctor said they are very…

Tanangada retains seat

THE High Court on Friday delivered a ruling which effectively struck out all the evidence in which the Petitioner Gordon Darcy Lilo was going to rely on to support the remaining allegations of bribery and undue influence. Earlier in January this year, the Chief Justice struck out the majority of the allegations against Gizo-Kolombangara MP Lanelle Tanagada…

Landslide kills 2 people

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have been deployed to Lambi, west Guadalcanal today to investigate a landslide which has reportedly covered eight people following the current bad weather affecting the whole country. Initial reports say eight people including children were covered by the landslide when it washed down to the village…

Getting businesses ready for COVID-19

THE World Health Organization (WHO) is encouraging employers and businesses to develop a plan for what to do if someone becomes ill with suspected COVID-19 (Coronavirus) at the workplace. Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce & Industries (SICCI) in a statement quoted Dr. Yogesh Choudhri, from the WHO Solomon Islands Representative office in Honiara, saying the…