Marape’s visit boost ties

The recent three days visit by Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Prime Minister James Marape has further uplifted the relations between the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, according to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Marape brought with him a delegation of over 50 businessmen and women from PNG to explore and establish business relations with local…


Suidani wants 9 Malaitan MPs to leave DCGA By WILSON SAENI In Auki    Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani is appealing to the nine (9) members of Parliament (MPs) from Malaita who are with the current ruling DCGA government to leave the regime. Premier Suidani made the call in an exclusive interview with Solomon Star Auki…

Alleged secret move exposed 

Suidani govt passes resolution to keep Provincial Secretary SOLOMON LOFANA In Auki  A suspected secret move to reshuffle the current Malaita provincial secretary to Makira/Ulawa Province has forced the Suidani government to pass a resolution last Friday. The Malaita provincial government executive came up with the resolution for the Provincial Secretary Fredrick Fa’abasua to remain in…

Call for ATM booth at Kilu’ufi

Since Kilu’ufi is one of the business location in Malaita provincial capital town, BSP customers in Malaita are calling on the Bank management to install an ATM machine at the Kilu’ufi Hospital. Kilu’ufi is the only major Hospital in Malaita, a populated province in the country. The Hospital serves a huge number of people who…

Anthony B concert today

The weekend concert of legendary Jamaican reggae artist Anthony B has been rescheduled for today. This was after the artist was refused to board the Fiji Airways flight from Nadi to Honiara on Saturday. In a statement released by organizers on Saturday, the reason for the refusal in boarding the flight is due to the…

Wale: Loan poor judgment, reckless

IN responding to the statement issued by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the government on Thursday 27th February 2019, the Leader of Opposition, Matthew Wale, said that the statement merely confirmed the country’s worst fears.  The statement confirmed that the government was in fact seriously considering the USD100 Bn loan proposal – in…