GP to review foreign relations

THE Guadalcanal province is looking forward to renew, strengthen and improve its foreign policy with its global sister relations, says Premier Francis Sade.  Currently the province has sister relationships with Guangdong Province (Mainland China), Guadalcanal, Seville (Spain), and Saskatchewan of Canada.  The province in a statement stated that one of the major aspects of its…

Noro nail throwers probed

ROYAL Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) officers of Noro Town have arrested a man for alleged to be responsible for throwing onto public government roads in Noro hundreds of two inch nails intended to puncture vehicle tyres. Reports reaching the Solomon Star said police on Friday had arrested a young man from Marovo lagoon who…

Horrific act

A MENTALLY-ill person who attempted to chop off his private part and neck was saved in time after he was found unconscious covered with blood. This horrific incident occurred at Titiana village in West Gizo, Western province. Reports reaching Solomon Star Gizo said that the incident occurred around 3pm. Speaking to the Solomon Star in…


THE country’s Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will travel to Beijing, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) capital for a first ever official visit since establishing diplomatic ties fortnight ago. A statement from the Prime Minister Press Secretariat last night said the trip comes at the invitation of the President of the PRC’s Government Xi Jinping…

RANOSI forum successful

THE Rannoga and Simbo (RANOSI) Leaders Forum held in Gizo ended on Thursday 3rd of October and was hailed successful after dialogues between National and Provincial Government Leaders produced resolutions on the development plans for RANOSI’s constituency, ward and village levels. The historic inter-governmental dialogue sessions for the first time placed the RANOSI Constituency Development…

Plastic-like substance found in rice

Rice consumers in Malaita province are calling on responsible authorities to ensure businesses in the country are selling quality and genuine products to consumers nationwide. The call was made amidst a recent discovery of plastic-like substances in a Mamie rice bag sold in Auki.  Clayton Ata who discovered a plastic like grain in a bag…

In search of her roots

AN Australian of Samoan descent has been in the country since last week to establish her ancestral links to the Solomon Islands. Faith Mila, 30, said history has it that her great grandfathers were captured from the Solomons by German soldiers and brought over to Samoa. “Our history has it that my great grandfathers were…

Allegations against PS forwarded to LCC

ALLEGATIONS levelled against the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) Ethel Frances have been submitted to the Leadership Code Commission (LCC), according to sources. Sources claimed under Frances’ leadership, MAL was poorly managed, causing frustration among senior staff. It’s understood that upon taking up the executive role, Frances promised to bring in…


Suidani: I’ve no personal agenda By WILSON SAENI in Auki   MALAITA premier Daniel Suidani says he has no personal political agenda. He was responding to East Malaita MP Manasseh Maelanga, who accused the premier of driving his personal political ambition in the current China switch. “Let me assure Malaitans that I have no personal political…

Role of teachers crucial, says SINTA chief

THE role of teachers in the formative years of children is crucial, Solomon Islands National Teachers Association (SINTA) president Andy Tosasi says. He was speaking at World Teachers Day celebration in Honiara, Friday. “To sustain the endeavour of the children’s education development, SINTA needs motivated and dedicated young teachers,” Tosasi said. “The new and young…