CURRENT water shortages in the city will be the subject of discussions at a meeting scheduled to take place tomorrow in Honiara. Solomon Water is organising the “stakeholder briefing” to talk about the problems at the Kongulai Water Source. The source supplies water to about 60 per cent of the city. Logging and saw-milling upstream…

Wale wants police to probe bribery claim

OPPOSITION leader Opposition Matthew Wale has commended Dori Tuhaika for taking the bold stance to report the alleged bribe offered to him by the Manager of Bintan Mining Company Ltd.   He also urged the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) to ensure that the allegations are investigated and appropriate actions taken. The Opposition leader made…

CDF needs proper coordination

THE controversial Constituency Development Fund (CDF) needs proper coordination to deliver needed services to rural communities in Solomon Islands, according to Tony Hiriasia, a PhD research candidate at the University of the South Pacific (USP). Hiriasia was part of the Solomon Islands 41st Independence Anniversary Symposium held at USP in Suva, Fiji on Friday July…

New textbooks for provincial schools

  VARIOUS schools in east Guadalcanal have received their share of new donated textbooks by the Australia and New Zealand governments last week. The textbook assistance which is currently underway in Guadalcanal will reach other schools in the provinces, thanks to the Australia Aid and New Zealand Foreign Affairs &Trade department. Ministry of Education &…

BRC registration underway in Gizo

THE Bougainville Referendum Commission (BRC) has opened registrations in Gizo for Bougainvilleans living in the Western province. The registration commenced yesterday till Saturday the 13th of July at the Women’s Centre in Gizo.  In the early 2000’s both the Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Bougainville Government signed a peace agreement that had within it a…

Candidates warned, one more week

The Solomon Islands Electoral Office (SIEO) is yet to receive statement of accounts from a number of candidates contesting the recent National General Election. SIEO therefore in a statement yesterday warned those who have contested the Election but have not filed their statement of accounts to do so before July 20th. SIEO said it is…