Looted boat emptied of its entire cargo

EYE-WITNESSES say a landing craft washed ashore in the Langalanga lagoon last week when it developed mechanical problem was looted of all its contents. Villagers stormed the boat after it rested on their shoreline. “All cargoes and valuables were removed,” an eye-witness told the Solomon Star. “Nothing was left on board,” the eye-witness added. “As…

Search for missing trio scaled down

POLICE on Tuesday begun scaling down their search for three men who went missing on 31 December 2018 when the boat they’re travelling capsized outside Seghe in Marovo lagoon, Western Province. “The decision to scale down the police operation to search for the trio has been made on grounds that police and communities in Western…


Ministry plans signing off, Friday By IAN M.KAUKUI SCHOOL results for forms threes and fives are expected to be published by the end of this week. Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD) Acting Permanent Secretary James Bosamata confirmed this on Tuesday. Bosamata said as a practice, they will organise a signing off program…


Victims suffer loss of homes and food gardens By IAN M. KAUKUI  THE number of people affected by the current bad weather is expected to rise as more reports are being relayed to the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO). That’s according to NDMO’s third situational report released last night. So far, 23,708 people were reportedly…

Thousands affected by bad weather

Up to 23,708 people and 4,480 households across five provinces have been affected by the recent bad weather. That’s according to the Solomon Islands National Emergency Operations Centre’s (SINEOC) latest situational report on the disaster. The report said the four most impacted provinces are Guadalcanal, Malaita, Isabel, and Makira-Ulawa. In Guadalcanal, the report said, almost…

Search for missing 3 still continue

Three fishermen from Maniate in east Wainoni, Makira-Ulawa Province, are yet to be found as search continues, says Provincial Police Commander Peter Sitai. He said as of 5pm yesterday, a team which he deployed earlier on that day had returned with no sighting. “This morning I deployed another team and they have just returned but…

Call for change

SIMA wants process for MPs medical treatment amended By IAN M. KAUKUI   Solomon Islands Medical Association (SIMA) is calling for changes to the way MPs access medical treatment overseas. Under their parliamentary entitlements, MPs are entitled to tax-payers’ funded medical attention abroad if they are sick. Normally, and because of the huge cost involved, those…

Yates: we need aid

  23,000 affected by had weather IAN M. KAUKUI   More than 23,000 people have lost their homes and food gardens, and they need urgent humanitarian aid, authorities say. Director of the Disaster Management Office Loti Yates said this in interviews with Radio New Zealand International, as the bad weather persists. Continuing rain and strong…