MID urged to repair Aruligo bridge

THE Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) is urged to repair Aruligo bridge that was partly damaged during the heavy rain and flood this week. Sahalu-based Solomon Star stringer John Toki reported. He relayed that villagers at Aruligho and further down North West Guadalcanal are having difficulties transporting their market produces to Honiara because the bridge…

Four houses down at Sahalu

FOUR houses were destroyed by strong winds and fallen trees in Sahalu ward of North West Guadalcanal. Visale-based Solomon Star stringer John Toki, whose house is amongst the four,  reported that he lost everything when a huge Mango tree nearby fell on top of his home. He said all the villagers were evacuated to Visale…

Varley welcomes GG’s statement

THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has welcomed the statement on the issue of discipline within the force highlighted by Governor General Sir Frank Kabui in his New Year speech. While giving credit to the RSIPF for maintaining law and order, Sir Frank said he was also concern about lack of discipline by certain…

11 receive Queen’s awards

ELEVEN people were honoured by the Queen during the New Year. Governor General Sir Frank Kabui announced this during his New Year’s speech. They include Knight Commander of the British Empire, KBE- Officer of the British Empire, OBE- Member of the British Empire, MBE- British Empire Medal, BEM-and the Queen’s Police Medal, QPM. “It is…

Logging worker died on Rennell

  POLICE in Renbel are investigating the death of a foreigner whose body was found at Line One, Lavena Camp on Rennell island, Thursday. Police Acting Operation Manager, Katea Puia says his officers were alerted of a foreigner found dead close to Lavena Logging Camp in West Rennell on Thursday. “My officers and myself attended…

Call for calm on Wagina

POLICE have appealed to the people of Wagina in Choiseul to remain calm in the midst of a stabbing incident that hospitalised a man at the village’s Rural Health Clinic on 2 January 2019. Taro police say report of the incident reached them on the afternoon of that day. Reports suggest the man was stabbed…


Police condemn action By SOLOMON LOFANAin Auki   POLICE in Auki intervened and chased away villagers who were looting a landing craft washed ashore in the Langalanga lagoon, Malaita, Thursday this week. It’s believed the landing craft was owned by ship operator Silent World. Police say the vessel was on its way to Auki on…

United Party gets the nod

THE Solomon Islands United Party will now contest this year’s national election after the Political Parties Commission endorsed and approved its application. The party recently took the Government to court following delays to appoint commissioners, who will need to meet to consider United Party’s application. Under the Political Parties Integrity Act 2014, political parties wishing…

Officers receive awards

TWO police officers received their awards on Thursday during the Police Commissioner’s Weekly Parade at Rove Police headquarters. Commissioner Matthew Varley presented the RSIPF Commissioner’s Commendation to Senior Sergeant (SSgt) Philip Tome for long and dedicated Service to the force. Mr Tome has been with the RSIPF since 1991.  “Thank you for your time to…

Illegal cigarettes hit local markets

ILLEGALLY imported cigarettes are being widely sold in Honiara and other provincial centres. One such product is Alishan cigarette, produced by Taiwan Mioali Tobacco Industry Corp Limited. “These cigarettes are put in vessels that came into our waters but never come to our shores,” one source familiar with the trade said. “This is why Customs…