JAPENESE ZERO was discovered in November at Kolobangara in the Western Solomons by Sunga Boso of Dive Munda and Barbra Buchanan of USA’s WRECK DIVING Magazine. Side Dive Munda Operations Manager Belinda Botha relayed to Solomon Star Gizo via email and forwarded from associate Jack McKee who translated the Japanese characters said that the plane…

Australia congratulates SI for reaching a major milestone in the Tina River Hydro Power Project

Australia would like to congratulate the Solomon Islands Government and Solomon Power for reaching a major milestone for the Tina River Hydro Power Project this week. In the presence of the Prime Minister, the Hon Rick Houenipwela, key stakeholders, including the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Treasury, Manasseh Sogavare, and the Minister…


Korea’s Ambassador to Solomon Islands His Excellency Kang Kymgu has presented his credentials to the Governor-General of Solomon Islands, His Excellency Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui at the Government House on Thursday 6th December, 2018. Ambassador Kymgu highlighted both countries’ friendship in the past 40 years. “Notably Solomon Islands has been a dependable companion of the…

Munda Airport Remains Open

PERMANENT Secretary of the Ministry of Communication and Aviation (MCA) Mr. Moses Virivolomo says there is no such thing as threats to close Munda airport as claimed. He said the airport belongs to the government through a goodwill gift by the fore-fathers of the current claimants and hence no one has the right to dispute…


Mother needs urgent lifesaving heart surgery overseas By AATAI JOHN LAUNGI A 47 year old mother diagnosed with valvular heart disease urgently needs a life-saving surgery overseas. Jenny Iro needs more than SBD$200,000 in financial support to undergo this vital heart operation in MIOT hospital in Chennai, India. Ms Iro from Malaita province has been…

Logging machines burntdown in dispute

FIVE logging machines have been burnt down at Ono logging camp in East Are’Are, Malaita Province. The machines included three bulldozers and two excavators. According to a concern village elder of Naorea village who declined to be identified said the incident occurred yesterday and the cost of damages run into thousands of dollars. The suspects…

Mua back in court today

THE matter of the Member of Parliament (MP) for Savo/Russell Dickson Mua accused of converting $3million intended to purchase a ship for his constituency in 2013 will return to court again Wednesday. Mua had his bail condition varied on the last court date allowing him to travel to Australia to under a medical review. He…

PM defends 2019 Budget

‘This budget is credible’ By ANDREW FANASIA THE Prime Minister Rick Hou has defend his government budget after it was heavily criticised on the floor of the Parliament, Tuesday. Chairman of the Bills and Legislative Committee Mathew Wale came out strongly to criticise the budget in his debate yesterday. Mr Hou in his response said…