Oil spill affects people’s livelihood By CARLOS ARUAFU THE oil spill from the ship, Solomon Trader which was loading Bauxite at the Lughu Bay in West Rennell has had a big impact on the lives of villagers. Solomon Trader ran aground at Lughu Bay while loading bauxite during a strong wind on February 4th. A…

Work on new SOE complex progressing

WORK on the new Faculty of School of Education (SOE) complex at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Panatina campus is making progress and nearing its completion. The new complex will house the administration office for the school once completed. The construction started off a few years ago and is now almost completed, Dean of…

Enabling scope for women leadership

WOMEN are underrepresented in all spheres of leadership in Solomon Islands. Few companies have women in senior leadership roles and there is only one woman in parliament. A group of local companies are proactively seeking to change this. On February 15, 2019, twenty women from nine companies participating in the Waka Mere Commitment to Action…

Qaro: Vote wisely to revive economy

CONSTITUENTS of North West Guadalcanal are being urged to vote wisely in the upcoming National General Election by choosing somebody who will revive the economy of Solomon Islands. Speaking to the Visale-based Solomon Star Stringer Chief Benard Qaro said constituents must vote wisely for a candidate that will revive the economy of Solomon Islands back…

33 candidates confirmed for West

THIRTY three candidates have registered to contest the nine constituency seats of Western Province, come April 3. Western Province Election Manager, Gideon Tuke made the confirmation, Thursday. Only 2 females did register as candidates, and they will contest the Gizo/Kolombangara and Shortland Islands seats. Mr Tuke stated that in his observation, the turn out of…

Varley: Officers’ action stupid

POLICE Chief Matthew Varley says the actions of the police officers’ involved in the traffic accident along the Mbokonavera road in Honiara this week are irresponsible and stupid. Speaking to reporters at his weekly conference on Thursday, Mr Varley also confirmed that the driver of the police vehicle and two other officers’ in the vehicle…

Oma affects Visale RTC

THE recent cyclone Oma has destroyed the Visale Rural Training Centre in North West Guadalcanal. North West Guadalcanal Solomon Star Stringer John Toki reported the cyclone has blown out several iron roofing of the school office that provides shelter for all the school materials. Toki said the building cannot withstand the strong wind as a…


PM asks Australia for help By LESLEY SANGA OIL have started spilling from a vessel that run aground on the shores of east Rennell early this month. MV Solomon Trader had been loading bauxite from Bintan’s mining operation on the island when rough seas pushed it aground at Kangava Bay, on the night of 4…