Court rules on technical issue

THE court has ruled that despite the procedural failures on three separate cases including the fraud cases of two former permanent secretaries, Henry Murray and Edmond Sikua, those procedural failures can be rectified. Chief Magistrate Emma Garo in her ruling found that the procedural irregularity in these three cases although they relate to the institution…

Su’u calls out for support

SU’U National Secondary School in Malaita has called on all stakeholders to support the renovation work of the school’s infrastructures. This was in light of the run-down state of the school’s infrastructures. Su’u, one of the oldest secondary institutions in the country, is still using classrooms, dormitories, and houses built way back in the 60s…

Second batch of JICA volunteers here

THE second batch of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) volunteers have arrived in the country to serve. Up to 10 volunteers were dispatched to do voluntary work in Honiara and in the provinces. In an interview yesterday the volunteers said that they are happy and ready to serve their two years contract as volunteers in…


THE three impounded Vietnamese Blue Boats is again under state control after Iona Firi Property Limited failed to meet requirement of the agreement for the destruction process. Fisheries Acting Permanent Secretary Feral Lasi confirmed to the Solomon Star on Wednesday the blue boats are now under government custody. “….yes the boats are now taken back…


Printer failed to meet deadline THE national school examinations scheduled to start next week will be delayed for another week after the government contracted printer, Pacific Printers, failed to meet the deadline for printing the papers. Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development James Bosamata confirmed this to the Solomon…

Parliament update with Deli Oso

PM further adjourns Parliament Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare on Monday further adjourned Parliament to give ample time to the government to look through the 2018 Budget. When moving the motion for the special adjournment of parliament to Monday 30 October, the Prime Minister said the government is still tidying up the budget for 2018 and…