Elder: Temotu suffered sea level rise

A VILLAGE elder in Temotu has called on responsible authorities to address the root causes of climate change and sea level rise. The elder made the call during the Environment and Conservation Inquiry in the province recently. Before contributing to the inquiry, the elder asked what creates or instigates sea level rise, the length of…


Fugitive’s case conducted in closed court By ASSUMPTA BUCHANAN A CLOSED court eight-month trial of former fugitive and high profile murder accused Edmond Sae ended in the High Court this month. Accused of gunning down former police commissioner Sir Fredrick Soaki in 2003, Sae has evaded arrest for over 12 years until in 2015 when…

SI and UAE sign visa waiver arrangement

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Honourable George Milner Tozaka and his counterpart, Her Royal Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that paves the way for visa free entry into each other’s countries by the respective passport…

Marau ends provincial population dissemination and data workshop

The Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination (MDPAC) in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) recently held a Population and Development Workshop in Marau, Guadalcanal Province. A total of 25 participants who attended the 3 day workshop from 26-28 September were employed as provincial government officers, head teachers, non-government organization, youth and…

Boy,10, stabbed to death

POLICE in Honiara on Tuesday arrested a 35-year-old male in connection with the death of a 10-year-old boy in the West Kola Ridge area. It is alleged that the deceased was playing with other kids of his age outside his parents’ home between 9 amto 10am when the male suspect appeared with a knife and…

Police monitor volcano eruption

POLICE at Lata in the Temotu Province are monitoring the situation in the province after the Tinakula volcano erupted on Saturday 21 October with the wind carrying ash to the nearby islands. “Police successfully rescued three people from Tinakula after receiving a report in the early hours of Saturday that the volcano had erupted,” Provincial…

234 students graduate from Kilusakwalo

Kilusakwalo Christian Community High School (KCCHS) in Central Kwara’ae in Malaita province last Friday farewelled 234 students during the school’s annual graduation ceremony. Most of the students are grade six, form three, form five, and form six. The ceremony coincided with the prize-giving ceremony. Of the 234 students farewelled, 59 students are doing grade six…