Japan joins Pacific infrastructure body

Usually when you are talking of billions of dollars of investment in the Pacific you are talking about countries like Papua New Guinea or East Timor. But, in terms of infrastructure, there is an organisation that has a budget of well over one billion dollars to invest in small Pacific countries.  The Pacifc Regional Infrastrucutre…

Economies experience growth

THE two largest economies in the Pacific region have experienced strong commodity-led growth in recent years. However, the soon-to-be-released 2014 Asian Development Outlook by the Asian Development Bank would focus on challenges faced by Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea in translating that growth into better services and living standards. Asian Development Bank economist Milovan…

RSE workers advised to invest earnings gainfully

Seasonal farm workers from the Pacific Islands region working in New Zealand’s horticulture sector under the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme are being taught to manage their earnings well and invest wisely as part of PT&I’s ongoing annual financial literacy programme for seasonal workers. Last week, the Auckland offices of PT&I conducted a financial literacy…

Regional energy and transport ministers meeting

The regional ambition of a sustainable, affordable and efficient energy and transport services requires a multi-disciplinary approach and collaboration at the highest level among various stakeholders. Such synergies supplement national efforts through strategic partnerships and pooling of resources. The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) will be convening the 2nd joint Pacific regional meeting for…