Visitor arrivals down

The number of visitor arrivals for the first quarter of 2016 was 9,754. This is a decrease of 22% compared to the previous quarter (4th Quarter 2015), according to the latest report the National Statistics office released, Friday. “Compared to the same quarter a year ago, an increase arrival of 3.5% was recorded,” the report…

Two SIEC officers visit Nepal election office

THE Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) has completed a fact-finding mission to Nepal as part of its continuing efforts to improve election management in Solomon Islands. Acting Chief Operations Officer, Frederick Bosoboe and IT Manager David Ramosea spent four days at the Electoral Commission of Nepal (ECN), where they discussed a range of issues including…

Arsonist jailed

A MAN who threatened a mother and her children with a gun before setting their house alight has been jailed for three years in the Honiara Magistrates Court. Richard Rava pleaded guilty on a previous court hearing to the charges of arson, criminal trespass, intimidation and purchasing, acquiring or possession of firearm or ammunition without…

Ruling on July 1

RULING in relation to the voir dire (trial within a trial) conducted on the case of the public a officer accused of stealing more than $ 28, 000 from the national government will be handed down, July 1. After the ruling, a date will then be fixed for the trial proper in this matter. Two…

First urban summit here

THE Ministry of Lands, Housing & Survey is hosting a National Urban Conference in Honiara from 27 to 29 June. This is the first time such a conference will be held in Solomon Islands, and a range of Ministry, Provincial, and international representatives are scheduled to present. Director of Physical Planning in the Ministry of…

Fiji NPF members get 6.25 interest pay-out

AS members of the Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (NPF) await what percentage they’ll get on their savings next month, Fiji National Provident Fund has declared a massive 6.25 per cent interest rate payout. This was announced by Fiji’s Minister for Finance, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, during the 2016-2017 National Budget announcement this week. “The 6.25 per…

Water project celebrated

SOLOMON Water and Japan International Co‐operation Agency (JICA) recently celebrated the completion of Non­‐Revenue Water (NRW) project that has been running for three years and 8 months. The project, which included a dispatch of technical experts from Japan, in‐Japan trainings of Solomon Water staff members and procurement of water meters and other equipment, was aimed…

Interplast heading here

INTERPLAST Australia & New Zealand (Interplast) will visit Honiara from the 28 June – 7 July 2016. The team will be at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara from 29 June -6 July 2015 to facilitate plastic and reconstructive surgical services and training. The team will be led by Dr Zachary Moaveni and will…

UN urged to attend to West Papua abuses

SOLOMON Islands’ diplomat in Geneva, Barrett Salato this week told the UN Human Rights Council’s 32nd session about an eroding human rights situation in Indonesia’s Papua region. Mr Salato told the session that whilst his country welcomes increased attention on West Papua from Indonesia’s president Joko Widodo, violations of Papuans’ rights remain unresolved. He said…