Tongan lines crew to assist Fiji recovery

NUKU’ALOFA, (MATANGI TONGA) —-A Tongan line mechanic group will be deployed in Fiji to assist with the efforts to repair the damage to the Electricity Distribution Network caused by Tropical Cyclone Winston. The group consists of six qualified and experienced line mechanics personnel from Tonga Power Limited, led by line supervisor Metuisela Afu. The first…

Heavy rain threatens tailings facility

Gold dam scare THE controlled de-watering of Gold Ridge tailings dam in central Guadalcanal is reportedly gone out of control due to heavy rain in the area. Downstream villagers have lodged complaints to health authorities in the past week about the safety of the water that was released into their streams. This had prompted teams…

Container trucks and safety

COMPANIES that are involved in transporting containers on our public roads have ensured they abide by the safety rule. This is despite the risk these vehicles posed to the public and the traffic. Most companies said, they ensure that containers don’t fall off from the back of the trailer while on the road is their…

Rav4 dumped into river

A Rav4 vehicle was pushed down the steep banks of Lungga River on Tuesday and disappeared into the flooded water, much to the amazement of the public. The incident occurred at around 11am. The vehicle owner was understood to be under the influence of alcohol at that time. Eye-witnesses told the Solomon Star, the man…

Malaita projects in limbo

Investors, development partners show lack of interest MOST of the proposed national projects earmarked by the government for Malaita province may soon be canceled due to lack of interest by investors. This was revealed by the Provincial Minister for Development Planning of Malaita Provincial Government Glen Waneta. He was speaking to a small group of…

New Ports fee soon

LOCAL ship operators will soon have to pay between $15,000 to $30, 000 per year under a new ports fee imposed by the Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA) as of this month under its reform, it was claimed. This fee known as the ‘Ports Registration Fee’ is being charged per vessel per year based on…

CRU ends UPNG SI students’ awareness

Solomon Islands students at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) successfully completed the awareness on the 2nd 2014 Draft Federal Constitution of Solomon Islands with CRU officials in Port Moresby on Friday 1st April 2016. Constitutional Reform Unit (CRU) Consultant Lawyer Reginald Teutao told students that despite the short time and students’ busy schedule,…

Dental team successfully visits Namuga

A VISIT conducted by a group of dental doctors from Australia to the remote Namuga hospital in Star Harbour, east Makira last month was successful. According to a dental report filed by the team leader Dr Som-Ling Leung, 177 Kindergarten, primary, and secondary students at Namuga school have received dental treated during the trip, excluding…

Gwaunaoa clinic in need of electricity supply

GWAUNAOA Rural Health Centre (clinic) in west Kwara’ae, Malaita province is in need of electricity supply. Speaking to Solomon star in an interview, senior board committee member of Gwaunaoa clinic and technical officer Nathaniel Maegwari said, the current poor electricity supply at the clinic has put medical staff responsibilities at risk. “This has forced medical…

POB’s Digital Banking Service

Pan Oceanic Bank, has now launched its first Digital Banking Cadets programme  into the market to assist people from all walks of life to get onto POB Online Digital Banking. POB’s Digital Banking service gives the user viewing and transactional access over their phones or computers anywhere, anytime, without having to come into the Bank.…