Women happy with new approach

WOMEN of Tandai land owning groups in Guadalcanal say that they are happy with a new approach of consultation done between Iron Bottom Sound (IBS) management and the tribal leaders. This came after the IBS management has invited them (women) to come along with their male tribal leaders to witness the handing over of the…

Difference in high school system, a challenge for PNG-SI scholarship scheme

Difference between PNG secondary school system and Solomon Islands secondary level USP-tailored foundation program is a challenge with the PNG-SI scholarship grant utilization. According to the PNG High School system, a student is eligible to apply for an university admission after completing grade 12. However for Solomon Islands secondary system, a student has to complete…

Central, highest betel nut chewers

The use of betel nut is more predominant in Central Province with 63% of the population recorded as heavy chewers. The 2012-2013 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) Provincial Analytical report revealed. Only 37% of the population were recorded non-chewers or users of betel nut. Following is Isabel province with 60% and Temotu with 59%…

No principal yet for Aligegeo

PARENTS and students of Aligegeo Provincial Secondary School have called on the Malaita Province Education Authority to prioritise the appointment of a new school principal. This comes after the delay by Malata provincial Education Authority in posting staff teachers to many schools in the province even though the school’s academic year for 2016 had already…

MP applauds gov’t

Member of Parliament for Small Malaita Constituency Rick Hou has commended the Democratic Coalition for Change Government for their continuing assistance to his constituency. Hou said he was pleased that through the Ministry of Rural Development, the Afio Economic Growth Centre project continues to feature in the government’s development plan and programmes. “This is the…

Sogavare congratulates new Vanuatu PM

PRIME Minister and Chair of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), Manasseh Sogavare has congratulated the newly-elected Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, Charlot Salwai. In a congratulatory message to his Vanuatu counterpart, Mr Sogavare said:  “I write with great pleasure and gratitude to sincerely congratulate you on your election as the new Prime Minister…

Lands, worst rated ministry

THE Public Sector Satisfaction Survey found that the public have seen positive changes over the last 18 months in the area of Information Technology and political stability. It was also found that overall services have improved since the last Financial Year from: Justice Sector (73%), Electricity Authority or Solomon Power (68%), Ports Authority (67%), Ministry of…