Landowners want mining hiccups sorted

Landowners of the Rennell proposed bauxite mining site are calling on the government to deal with the mining issue honestly and act on laws appropriately. Jonathan Tohuika, Chairperson for the West Rennell Landowners Association said the growing controversial issues and decisions over the mining saga has not gone down well with landowners. “We only see…

Gov’t delegation attends World Education Forum

A Government delegation led by the Minister of Education Dr. Derek Sikua is attending the World Education Forum (WEF) 2015 in Incheon, the Republic of Korea at the invitation of the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Members of the Solomon Islands Government delegation include the Chairman of Parliamentary Education…

20 from Savo complete first aid training

The Solomon Islands Red Cross Society has successfully completed a community-based First Aid (CBFA) training for 20 members of three Savo Island communities this week. The three communities were, Kuila, Reko and Bonala. The USAID funded program is part of the Disaster Risk Reduction program “Together Becoming Resilient 4” (TBR4) and is being implemented by…

Rape figures shocking

THE increasing trend of rape cases and related cases in the country is growing at an alarming rate, Seif Ples records reveal. Seif Ples data showed some 133 rape cases were reported between January and April this year alone. Although cases reported to police were minimal, most cases of this nature were reported to Seif…

Sogavare misses out at PALM7

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare was an obvious absentee when the seventh Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM7) opened in the Japanese city of Iwaki last weekend. All 14 island leaders, except Mr Sogavare, are attending the summit at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. Mr Sogavare had instead dispatched his deputy Douglas…

APID pledges attractive returns

Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID), the mining company having interest for bauxite deposits on Rennell have promise good returns to both the national and provincial governments including landowners. A Spokesman for APID explained APID like any other operating companies has a timeframe set to follow regarding benefits of royalties of whatever kind. “Whilst APID is…