Top gov’t officials block foreign investment dollar inflow from Chinese investment into the country despite gov’t opening doors to Chinese investors TOP public servants holding key positions in strategic investment portfolios have been accused of blocking hundreds of millions of dollars in new investments, warning that unless the government intervenes, the situation would only get…

Severe drug shortage hits Sikaiana

SIKAIANA Island in the Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) is grappling with a critical shortage of basic medicines, essentials and drugs, leaving the health of locals at risk. Sikaiana, located in a region far from Honiara where shipping services are irregular, the critical shortage of medicines is scary as people have no alternative means of sourcing…

Graduates thankful for APTC programs 

THE latest batch of graduates from the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) in Solomon Islands are immensely proud of the qualifications they gained from APTC programs and are thankful to the Australian Government for funding the programs. Speaking on behalf of the graduates at their graduation ceremony in Honiara last Thursday, Andrew Upwe, an International…

US joins WWII UXO removal exercise

THE United States (US) has joined a multinational team of experts from Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand and the United Kingdom as part of “Operation Render Safe 2024.” The operation organized and led by the Australian Defense Force and Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) was requested by Solomon Islands Government (SIG). US…