Court rejects party bid

SIDP to appeal ruling SOLOMON Islands Democratic Party (SIDP) says it will appeal a High Court ruling rejecting its challenge of certain provisions of the Political Parties Integrity Act. Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer delivered his ruling on the case last Friday. The party’s lawyer Gabriel Suri told the Solomon Star last night he has…

Court farewells Aussie judge

THE High Court last Friday farewelled Australian judge, Justice Stephen Pallaras, in a ceremonial sitting. Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer thanked Justice Pallaras for his zeal, passion and commitment to his duties both in the courtroom and outside. “I want to thank him for turning the lights on perhaps in the courtrooms of the High…

Waena: Vote out corrupt leaders

TO stop corruption, we must not vote in corrupt leaders. That’s according to former parliamentarian and statesman Sir Nathaniel Waena, during a political parties media forum, yesterday. “Corruption is not an external issue. It starts from the heart of man,” the president of the People’s Alliance Party (PAP) said.  “If we want to eliminate corruption…

New measures to ease traffic

POLICE and road authorities in Honiara have initiated new measures to address the city’s worsening traffic situation. Head of Honiara City Police Jack Balaga told the Solomon Star yesterday the new measures will come into effect as of Monday. “As of Monday, we are going to close down the two bus stops for eastern-bound traffic…

New fisheries dept for SINU

THE Solomon Islands National University will soon open a Fishery Science Department under a Republic of Korea funded project. This was sealed during the signing of an agreement between Solomon Islands and the Republic of Korea under the Framework Arrangement for Grant Aid 2014. Under the agreement, project for establishment and capacity building of Fishery…

Cyclone alert issued

SOLOMON Islanders are urged to be on alert as the country enters the cyclone season. The reminder comes from the local Weather office. Tropical cyclone season here runs from November to April, with its formation peak during the months of January, February and March, according to the office. “While cyclones can also occur on other…

Party to push for rural development

THE general secretary of People’s Congress Party Charles Ashley says the in-coming government must push for decentralization in order to develop the provinces. He was speaking with the Solomon Star on Friday. “If in the event People Congress Party members merge with other parties to form a new government, we would be pushing for decentralisation…