How atoll farmers do farming

FARMING on an atoll is a challenging task for local farmers due to lack of space, infertile soil, raising sea level and challenge of natural disasters. And Luaniua villagers in Malaita Outer Islands (MOI), Malaita Province farmers there are also facing similar challenges. Climate change remains a threat to their livelihood. However the need to…

Frustration high

Patience runs out as former officers threaten to disturb election Former police officers who have served at the country’s border between Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea (PNG) during the Bougainville crises have threaten to disturb the upcoming election.  That is, if the government fails to make any part payment. The former officers feared any…

Students learn about nutrition

SIX nutritionists from the National Referral Hospital (NRH) conducted a one day session on nutrition for students on Wednesday. The session was held at the University of South Pacific (USP) Solomon Islands campus in Honiara. The session allowed the students to ask questions and information about healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. The program was organised…

Suva Popular cruise ship venue

FIJI TIMES – Suva City has been experiencing hype activity of tourists every week. Suva City Council special administrator Chandu Umaria said 30 cruise ships had berthed in Suva’s port from January 2014 to date and another 13 cruise ships were expected to berth in the port by December this year. “The berthing of cruise…

Stages of Change kick off National Tour

The exciting EU funded Women’s Theatre Company, Stages of Change, kick off their first ever national tour with a free public performance tomorrow (Thursday Oct 23) at the National Auditorium at 6.30pm. Stages of Change project uses theatre to engage women and men in discussions about violence against women and girls; its subtle use of…

UNFPA representative meets USP VC

The University of the South Pacific’s Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Rajesh Chandra had a successful meeting with Dr. Laurent Zessler, Director and Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Pacific Sub-Regional Office on October 9, 2014. Dr Zessler commended and congratulated the University for its work in the region. He pointed out the three…