Police crime updates

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force at Honiara city, have responded and attended to 32 reports from communities around Honiara and apprehended 28 suspects, who were also charged and placed in side police custody over the weekend. The suspects were arrested with multiple charges of offences committed on separate dates and places at Honiara. These…

Officers gearing up for elections

Electoral managers (EM) and accountants are undergoing a three days intensive training in preparation for the upcoming national general elections. The training is aimed to preparing the managers and their accountants to take up their roles as the overall managers, coordinators and accountable officers for the national election in their provinces. Representatives of all the…

Women in agriculture excluded in budget

A division focusing on women in agriculture within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MALS) has not been included in the 2015 budget. This division was established within the extension department in the Agriculture Ministry. Its role was to assist rural women in the country with agriculture tools and training to improve their rural livelihood…

MMF blasts govt over delay in election date

The caretaker government has come under heavy criticism for the delay in announcing the date for the upcoming national general election. Malaita Ma’asina Forum (MMF) president yesterday said delaying the announcement does not reflect well the government’s intention of passing the Political Parties Integrity Bill 2014. “The delay in the announcement does not reflect well…

Renbel MPA warned not to collect dues

The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening has warned members of the Renbel Provincial Assembly that they have no authority to use or have access to money belonging to the province. The Ministry sounded out the warning yesterday in a public notice following the suspension of executive powers of the Premier and Government of…

Party members sign pledge

National Transformation Party of Solomon Islands (NTPSI) becomes the first political party to sign the Election Integrity Pledge. About 13 members of the NTPSI who will be contesting this year’s election have signed the integrity pledge during the launching of their manifesto at the Art Gallery on Sunday afternoon. The Election Integrity Pledge is part…

Non registered voters can contest elections

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission says under the National Parliament Electoral Provisions Act, people who are not registered voters can contest National Elections. But the Commission said candidates must be at least 21 years old and are Solomon Islands citizens. It said there is a difference between the eligibility requirements under the National Parliament Electoral…

MMF applauds new bus service

MALAITA Ma’asina Forum (MMF) has applauded the operator of the new bus service in town – the City Express bus service. MMF president said the vision by the owner of Ropiko Enterprise Limited (REL) must be acknowledge and that’s what all indigenous Solomon Islanders must do. “MMF would like to congratulate Roland Piko for the…