Mass evacuation

Thousands flee to hilltops after earthquake, tsunami warning THOUSANDS of Honiara residents evacuated to the higher grounds after a 7.4 underwater earthquake caused havoc and fear which led a late tsunami warning. The quake struck before midnight, Sunday night. Following quake and tsunami warning men, women, children loaded up both public and private vehicles and…

Bobongi ruling further deferred

The ruling on the voir dire hearing (trial within a trial) on the former Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) employee who allegedly stole more than a million dollars of muted notes from the Bank has been deferred. This was because the presiding judge is not available as he is currently on medical leave. He…

IMF launches quarterly bulletin

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has launched the inaugural issue of the Asia & Pacific Small States Monitor, a new quarterly bulletin focusing on recent macroeconomic developments and topical issues covering the small states of the Asia and Pacific region. The publication of the Monitor fits into the IMF’s overall effort to enhance its engagement…

Communiqué of the 29th meeting of the IMFC

Chaired by Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Minister for Finance Global activity continues to strengthen. However, the recovery is still fragile and downside risks remain. Creating a more dynamic, sustainable, balanced, and job-rich global economy remains our paramount collective goal. We will implement ambitious measures to sustain the recovery, proceed with…

Fresh hope for tourism operators in Isabel

Solomon Island visitors bureau (SIVB) chief executive officer (CEO) together with representatives from the ministry of culture and tourism (MCT) brings fresh hopes to Isabel tourism operators with a message ‘Step for Change’. The visit was conducted by Josefa Tuamoto SIVB CEO, his staff, the ministry of culture and tourism minister Samuel Manetoali and an…

New Homestay for Puapuma

Tourists who will visit Puapuma village at Bugotu District in Isabel province will no longer be facing accommodation difficulties. This was made possible through the ministry of culture and tourism (MCT) which funded the project last year. On Saturday the minister for culture and courism Samuel Manetoali together with the Solomon Islands visitors bureau (SIVB)…

Farmers’ conference this week

Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) is organising a conference for its farmers in the country this week. The four days conference will see local farmers are from Isabel, Malaita, Makira, Choiseul, Western and Guadalcanal provinces coming together to share their experiences and learn new ideas from each other. Plant Material Network coordinator Thecla Limai said the…

Isabel passes budget, tourism has share

Isabel province has passed its $19 million 2014 development and recurrent budget during the last month assembly meeting in Buala which also included tourism budget for Isabel province. This was revealed by Isabel Premier James Habu during a courtesy call by Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) officials at his office last Friday in Buala. Mr…